Overcoming Candida in four steps

James Jordan, CNC, JD



  1. Make sure bowels are moving well, at least 2-3 x day. If trouble apply principles of : fluid, flora,fiber and added magnesium (600 mg or more per day). If still sluggish take OxyPowder. Whatever time it takes to accomplish this first stage is what is necessary before moving to step two.
  1. Once bowels are moving well – this may take a week or so – start on a two week liver cleanse. Liver Life (BioRay) – 2-4 drpfl. 2 x day in a cup of water on an empty stomach. Also, stop or reduce alcohol, coffee, sugar, sweets, gluten grains, cheese, dairy (other than butter and live culture yogurt), and vinegar.
  1. After the two week liver cleanse start the anti-fungal herbal component of the plan – this will take 4-8 weeks depending on the severity of your candida infection. Choose 2-3 of the following and rotate them into your program taking one twice a day and the other once a day with meals. You can switch the order every week or after half way through the program. Doses are individual based on how you respond to the die-off of the formula, choose from the following:
  • Pau Darco tea – usual dose if 1-2 tea bags twice a day.
  • Caprylic Acid – usual dose is 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day.
  • Garlic – either raw or capsules with activated Allicin. Usual dose is 3 cloves or 3 capsules per day.
  • Grapefruit seed extract – as directed on the bottle 1-2 x day.
  • Emulsified Oregano oil capsules – 1-3 caps/tabs 1-2 x day.
  • Olive leaf extract – 1,000 to 1,500 mg. Twice a day.
  • Some companies make combination products. My favorite is Gut flora complex by Standard Process – 1 capsule 2 x day with food.
    1. After taking your choice of 2 anti-fungal herbs for at least one month you should add a high quality pro-biotic to your program. This can started prior to finishing step three if you take it before bed or away from the three doses of anti-fungal herbs and should continue for at least three months. Options of high quality pro-biotics include:


  • Cytoflora – by BioRay. 2-4 drpfl. 2 x day in glass of water on empty stomach
  • LB17 – by Osumex – 1 scoop 1-2 x day with food.
  • Healthy Trinity by Natren – 1-3 caps per day with food.
  • Pro-synbiotic – Standard Process – 3 capsules once per day.

The maintenance program would be a moderate dose of pro-biotics at least 3 x week and a short run of anti-fungal herbs of a week or so if you deviate from a healthy diet for a period of time.

Jim’s recommended supplement protocol for elimination of Chronic Candida overgrowth*

  1. Liver Life by BioRay – formula includes Maitake and reishi mushroom extracts to boost immunity and liver detoxification; milk thistle, red root and olive leaf extract.

Take 2-4 drpf. 2 x day on empty stomach for first two weeks. 4 oz. Bottle for $58.

  1. Gut Flora complex by Standard Process combines: Anise, Andrographis, Pau Darco and Oregano. Take 1 capsule twice a day with food. Price $28.95 for 40 Caps. 2 bottles will last you for step 3 of program. Total: $57.90
  1. Prosynbiotic by Standard Process: a comprehensive pro-biotic and pre-biotic. Take 3 capsules per day for two months. $36 per bottle, total cost $72.

Total for three month program: $197 includes shipping within continental United States. 

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Contact my office at 541.482.2250 with questions and information on phone consultations.

*protocol can be modified or complemented with other products. If you are on a tight budget contact me for options.