As a certified nutritional consultant, I have helped many thousands of people to improve their health. I am also a certified Metabolic Typing Advisor and have specialized training in reading and interpreting hair mineral analysis reports. I graduated from Loyola University School of Law and was licensed to practice law in the state of Illinois in 1986. I practiced law on and off from 1987 to 1993.
My interest in natural healing began as a result of my six-year battle with chronic illness. During this time, from 1984 to 1990, I saw dozens of health care practitioners, both conventional and unconventional. I was diagnosed with a variety of illnesses including food allergies, chronic candida, chronic fatigue syndrome and toxic metal poisoning. By 1989 I had made little progress and had almost given up hope. It was during this time that a life-changing shift in my understanding of healing occurred: a combination of natural therapies that addressed underlying toxicities, deficiencies and emotional challenges is what helped me break through years of struggle, and I was finally able to regain my health. After regaining my health I felt compelled to share this message of healing with clients from my legal practice, friends, family, even complete strangers. From this point on my life took a new path into the field of natural healing.
In 1996, I began my professional career as a nutritional therapist. Most recently, I was on staff at The Optimal Wellness Center, the largest holistic medical clinic in the Chicago area from June 2000 through January of 2004. For two years I had a private practice in Oak Park, Illinois offering a variety of health and wellness seminars and trainings to health care practitioners. Beginning in 2007 I opened a private nutrition consulting practice in Ashland, Oregon. My ongoing education includes a doctoral program in natural healing. I am also completing my naturopathic degree from the Clayton College of Natural Heath.
I have also been a featured nutrition and alternative health care expert on Channel 7 news in Chicago (the local affiliate of ABC) covering areas ranging from public health and safety to tips for healthy eating while traveling.
Read testimonials about Jim’s services and customer service.
Read Jim’s Philosophy of Health and Healing
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