LifeWave X39
The natural stimulation of the production of stem cells is an exciting, new innovation that represents the future of regenerative medicine. New technologies and products that help people do this will bring with it the potential for a longer and healthier life. | DETAILS->>
See the NEW LifeWave X39 technology video below…
Your Health is in Your Hands:
The Three Reasons You’re not Well and What to do about it!
Are you sick and tired of not feeling well? Are you frustrated by going from one doctor to the next without getting the results you are seeking? Are you confused and overwhelmed by the bewildering array of treatment options?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, this book will provide practical steps to help you get on the road to VIBRANT HEALTH!
If you are suffering from any of the following conditions, this book will give you both the answers to why you are suffering and what to do to become well again:
Chronic fatigue
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Hormone imbalances
Autoimmune conditions
Candida overgrowth
Memory Loss/Alzheimer’s
High blood pressure
Unhealthy weight gain
Psoriasis, eczema or other skin conditions
Other chronic health conditions
Your health issues are the result of a combination of the following three factors:
Nutrient deficiencies | Toxicity | Stress
When you understand the underlying causes of your health problems and you apply the solution framework outlined in this book, you will create the vibrant health that you know is possible.
“If you are ready to reclaim your energy, lose weight, ditch your pain and embrace life again, James Jordan is your co-pilot to wellness. This book is not only an invaluable reference; it’s a complete guide to healing and finding happiness…a true treasure!”
— Rachael Bieschke, Senior Writer at Mercola.com
Buy the softcover book from amazon.com
Getting to Know and Care for Your Body with James Jordan, CNC, JD
(Produced by Ceze Films; filmed in Ashland, Oregon)
This 6 part DVD program with ten plus hours of live lecture material is great for both lay people and health care practitioners. Scroll down for testimonials…
Each part covers a different system of the body, how it works, common health complaints and conditions and natural healing solutions to these common health complaints and conditions . Part one covers the digestive system, part two the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, part three the endocrine system, part four the brain and central nervous system, part five the liver, kidneys and lymphatic systems, and part six the musculo-skeletal system. Jim explains how each system of the body affects other systems and integrates his underlying causation paradigm of natural healing throughout the entire program.
Cost: $99 for the complete set of 6 DVDs!
Read the testimonials for “Getting to Know and Care for Your Body” DVD series->>
Health Freedom Seminars Legal Training course:
“Legal Guidelines for The Natural Health Care Practitioner“
a 2-DVD legal training course featuring James Jordan, JD, CNC (Produced by Cascade Creative Productions; filmed in Ashland, Oregon)
- Learn how to set up your practice and communicate with the public and your clients in a way to minimize legal interference.
- Discover how enumerated and un-enumerated rights referred to in the United States Constitution and many of our state constitutions can protect your fight to practice natural healing without government interference.
- Learn about supreme court cases which support the principle that the right to receive and offer health care of one’s choosing is a protected right.
For a hard copy of the Legal Guidelines for the Natural Health Care Practitioner manual and instructions about how to fill out health freedom legal forms, email me: jim@createvibranthealth.com
Read more about my Neurotransmitter Assessment services->>