Day 1: Morning Session
Introduction/Agenda Overview
Intentions of the program
Introduce myself, my journey to wellness
Participants introduce themselves.
Exercise: Participants identify the three most important goals they would like to achieve out of being in this program.
Understanding the current condition for illness.
Shifting paradigms: from symptoms to root causes
Creating a wellness mindset.
Day 1: Afternoon Session
The Underlying Causation Paradigm
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Toxicity
- Stress
Toxicity Assessment Questionnaire
Stress Questionnaire
Other Assessment Tools
Assessing and addressing some of the most common health complaints including:
- Fatigue
- Skin Conditions
- Headaches
- Aches and pains
- Mood swings
- Memory Loss
- Allergies
DAY 2: Morning Session
Assessing and addressing personal health concerns
Reducing Stress: Demonstrate and practice “The Release Method”
Principles and Practices of Diet and Detoxification/Daily Diet Diary
DAY 2: Afternoon Session
Introduction to top major health challenges and how to assess and address them:
- Cardio-vascular disease
- Respiratory Conditions
- Auto-immune conditions
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivities / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Review what we’ve learned.
Ongoing training Level II
Date: January 17 & 18 Hours: 9 AM to 5 PM
Location: 1280 Pearl St. Eugene, Oregon
Tuition: $595/$495 if paid in full by January 1st, 2015 To hold your space in the program click the button below and your $150 registration fee will be deducted from your tuition.
To register or for more information, contact the office of Create Vibrant Health at 541-482-2250
Class size limited to 12 people.