Leaky Gut Syndrome: How to assess and repair intestinal permeability

In my fifteen years of doing live blood cell analysis testing I’ve found that the biggest benefit to my client’s health comes from healing and repairing their intestinal lining. When waste and pathogens leak into your blood from your intestines havoc is created for your immune system, your liver is overwhelmed and becomes less efficient and symptoms such as fatigue, pain, headaches and inability to concentrate increase exponentially. In addition any program you are utilizing to balance your hormones, improve your memory, clear up your blood vessels, reduce inflammation, etc. will be compromised and be far less effective.

Adverse Health Effects of Sugar and What to do about it

We’ve all been told that sugar is bad for us, but most of us only have a vague idea of why and in what ways sugar is bad for our health.

Sweet foods have a place in a healthy and balanced diet but we have to understand how sugar influences our biochemistry if we are going to intelligently consume sweet foods and not suffer the consequences of excess consumption of sugar.

What can a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis tell you about your health

When looking at a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis report, understanding mineral patterns is one component to good interpretation. If interpreted correctly, there are numerous variables a hair test can identify. These include: mineral deficiencies, adrenal function, thyroid function, toxic metals & hidden toxic metals, various components of digestive function and carbohydrate tolerance.

Optimizing your health with Metabolic Type Diet plan

I’ve found that when my clients follow their metabolic typing program 90% or more of the time they see dramatic improvements in their health. What has been missing in the MT program until recently; however, is an efficient educational support program. Now there is a system for both practitioners and students to use which gives us the tools to keep you on track and provide me with the feedback I need to more effectively coach you.

Up to 40% of Americans are suffering from undiagnosed Low Thyroid function are you one of them? Here’s how to find out and what to do about it‏

Your thyroid and adrenal glands are like two powerful horses that carry your body (the carriage) through life. If they wear down you’ll start to crash. Of all the endocrine glands the thyroid is the most important for regulating cellular energy and metabolism. Without a healthy thyroid all other hormonal functions will suffer.