Hydrochloric Acid Therapy

Its Role in Overcoming Infectious and Degenerative Disease

A Series of Articles by Medical Pioneers
In Hydrochloric Acid Therapy

Degenerative Disease And Its Etiology

By Walter B. Guy, M.D., St. Augustine, Fl. (1930 Publication)

It has been customary up to this time to look upon the degenerative diseases so common in advanced life as a
group of separate diseases rather than as a distinct entity and to say this man or this woman is afflicted with or
died as the result of several different affections or complaints. In a recent case, that of Mr. Edison, the famous
inventor, we read in the daily press that he was suffering from the results of diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart
disease, nephritis and so forth. It is the writer’s intent to take up the subject of degenerative disease and
endeavor to show that this group, so increasingly prevalent is, in reality, not many separate affections, but
one in substance, arising from one general cause and differing only in its mode of manifestation and in the
tissues involved. In this group, the writer includes arteriosclerosis, hypertension, nephritis, affections of the
heart, tuberculosis, diabetes, neoplastic growths, senile insanities and many other affections that are caused by
degeneration of the varied tissues of the human organism.

In organic life, we have, in order, birth, adolescence, maturity, decline and death. At birth, the constructive
forces are in the ascendency; in maturity the constructive and destructive are in balance; in the senile the
destructive force is in excess. If health were perfect, the organism would complete its full life cycle with
probably an average of 120 years’ duration, but the destructive agencies, destroying the balance between the
constructive forces of life and invading micro-organisms and other injurious factors, bring about premature
decay and death.

Cancers or neoplastic growths are seemingly increasing; at least statistics claim so. Also arteriosclerosis,
diabetes, nephritis, senile insanities are increasingly prevalent, so that this subject is well worth considering, and
if but a small beam of light can be thrown on this enigma, a big step forward can be assured. In the first place, let
us consider the protective agencies of the animal organism; but instead of talking about antibodies, vaccines,
antitoxins, immunity of blood serum, diet and so forth, let us rather go to rock bottom and consider the very
essential mineral elements of which our body is composed.

Suppose that today we first consider an element that has been but little studied, yet is probably the greatest
disinfectant, antiseptic, germicide, deodorant and preservative -that nature has ever produced; viz., chlorine.

It is generally believed that organic life began in the saline ocean many eons ago, and that the chemical formula
of that ocean, of the blood serum and temperature of the body has not changed materially since that time.

That the ocean is always free from corruption, no matter how many of it animals die within it, is probably due to
its chlorine content; not only to sodium chloride, but also to the chlorides of magnesium, calcium and other
minerals present. It is to this chloride group of minerals that I wish to direct your attention, for in the proper
concept of the role of the chlorides in the human organism we shall find, I fully believe, the key to long life and
health; and the reason why, in the treatment of degenerative disease, the best indicated remedy fails to relieve or
inhibit the ravages of disease.

First of all, let us study the part that chlorine plays in the digestion of food and its absorption into the body
tissues. In Prof. A. E. Austin’s “Manual of Clinical Chemistry” he says: “Chlorine may be found free, as
hydrochloric acid, in the gastric juice, or combined with albumin and albumoses, or it may be found
united with sodium, chiefly in the fluids of the body, and with potash in the solids.”

Under “Potassium” he writes: “Potash is also found as a chloride by preference in morphological elements like
blood corpuscles, muscle cells, etc.” Under “Calcium” he says: “Calcium chloride is found in the gastric juice, as
a secondary product.” Also, he says hydrochloric acid favors the excretion of the calcium phosphates.

Concerning the amount of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice a very important factor, as I shall later point out
to you, Prof. Austin says the normal gastric juice in man is from 2 to 3 parts in 1000. In healthy dogs, 5 parts
is found. That a healthy dog can eat septic meat and if its stomach is opened one-half hour later, this foul,
odorous meat will be found sterile is a well-known truism, showing conclusively the germicidal power of free
chlorine in the process of normal digestion. Too often, however, acidity of the stomach is not due to an excess
of hydrochloric acid, but rather to an excess of lactic acid, and if the contents of the stomach is alkaline,
oxybutyric, diacetic and other acids due to putrefactive processes are present. This can readily be
determined in practice by giving a few drops, well diluted, of dilute hydrochloric acid, when usually relief will
quickly be obtained.

We are, however, concerned at this time in the consideration of progressive degeneration, and whether or not the
normal production of free chlorine in the gastric juice is involved in the cause of progressive degenerative
disease. In healthy digestion, Austin further says, that in half an hour after eating of food, all lactic and
other acids should have disappeared, owing to the inhibitive action of hydrochloric acid. Further, he says
that what is true of lactic acid is also true of the other organic acids, butyric, formic, and acetic, all of which are
especially abundant where there is stagnation of gastric contents due to pyloric obstruction.

What, then, may we expect to occur when this fundamental, normal, sterilizing acid is deficient, or absent, and
what, then, are the causes of its inhibition? The answer to these questions opens up a vast field of research; but
enough data are already at hand to supply us with sufficient information to make us realize, if we study them
carefully, that an absence or deficiency of this acid is a large factor in the etiology of degenerative diseases. The
first question is readily answered: Hydrochloric acid is the only normal acid in the animal economy; all
other acids, such as lactic, uric, carbonic and so forth, are waste products, to be eliminated as quickly as
possible, and the normal acid is truly the chief factor in their removal or destruction, for if we have a too great
excess of carbonic acid, we have coma, as in diabetes or later stages of pneumonia; if uric acid, deposits in
valves, arteries and articular surfaces and so forth.

When this hydrochloric acid content of the gastric fluid is deficient or absent, grave results must gradually
and inevitably appear in the human metabolism. First of all, we shall have an increasing and gradual starvation
of the mineral elements in food supply. The food will be incompletely digested and failure of assimilation must
occur. Secondly, a septic process of the tissues will appear; pyorrhea, dyspepsia (imperfect or painful
digestion), nephritis, appendicitis, boils, abscesses, pneumonia, etc. will become increasingly manifest.
Again, a normal gastric fluid demands activity of the gallbladder contents and of the pancreas for neutralization.
Deficiency of normal acid leads to stagnation of these organs, causing diabetes and gallstones. In other words,
an absence or a great deficiency of HCl gives rise to multitudinous degenerative reactions and prepares the way
to all forms of degenerative disease.

That this normal acid is nature’s true antiseptic has been clearly demonstrated by Dr. Burr Ferguson, of
Alabama, who injected hydrochloric acid, 1-1500, intravenously and subcutaneously, causing rapid repair, in
many septic infections, such as abscess, osteitis and tuberculosis. The writer has proved in several cases, such
as septic induration (hardness) following gunshot wound, delayed repair following operation that this acid, given
by mouth, well diluted, hastens delayed or absent phagocytosis and repair of injured tissues.

What, then, are the causes of its disappearance in the gastric fluid, following eating of food? First, Prof. Austin
says most conclusively that “hydrochloric acid secretion may be completely suppressed by emotion or worry.” In
these days of emotional worry and distress, loss of homes, business, incomes and money, (the Great Depression
of the early 30s) we may well fear that in the near future a great increase of degenerative disease, such as cancer,
nephritis, cardiac, nervous and mental affections “must assuredly occur unless man can rise above worldly
affairs and find the true and only source of contentment and happiness. To this state, the true physician must
continually point, first himself finding and then showing it to others. As long as mental depression envelops like
a dark cloud the soul of man, so long may we search in vain for the indicated remedy and relief of our patient’s
distress. Shall we, then, fold our arms and give up the fight? Not by any means. The remedy the doctor
prescribes is it not, in a spiritual sense, the symbol of a healing force? Nature’s recuperative powers? Yes, and
the patient’s faith must be present to reinforce the doctor’s knowledge.

But how much better for the physician’s own abiding faith if a truer concept of the nature of disease and tissue
pathology can be truly visualized, and this necessary acid and the deficient minerals be restored to the
starving tissues, feeding and cleansing the vital fluids! To do this, no massive doses of inert, sterilized
minerals are required. Rather an ionized dilute solution of these elements will quickly bring about a change of
the impaired metabolism. The writer is using, after months of study and research, helped along by brilliant
results, again discouraged by absolute failures, an acid solution of arsenicum, ferrum, potassium and chlorine.
This, properly diluted, can be used intravenously or by mouth.

NOTE: These are old style 1932 apothecary symbols and the copy was not clear. Translator was not able to
translate the symbols into usable numbers.


Liq. potass. arsenitis (Fowler’s) (illegible in my copy)
Tr. ferri chloridi fluid drams iss
Sol. potass. chloride (10%) fluid drams iij
Sol. acid. hydrochlor. (3%) ad fluid ounces j

M. Sig?.: gtt. v to xx well diluted three or more times daily.
Colon Cancer Case. One remarkable case may be quoted here, of a colored woman more than 80 years age,
with an enormous adenoma of colon, who was found with complete stoppage of bowels, vomiting and gas
pains. Instead of the use of an opiate, a solution of mineral chlorides was given intravenously, with complete
relief in 6 hours. Four more injections were given, followed by treatment by mouth. Within 4 months, all
traces of growth had disappeared. Eighteen months later, a hard sarcomatous growth appeared in the right
tibia. The chlorine solution was again given by mouth and at this date, 2 months later, the growth has almost

Tuberculosis, especially of bones and in lungs, rapidly improved, while septic boils disappeared.
Hypertension, by removal of toxins, becomes normal; and, strange to say, the erythema of skin seen in
excessive hot weather is rapidly relieved by injections of these acid mineral chlorides. In diabetes, thirst and
sugar are rapidly reduced to a minimum. All cases of arthritis are helped by giving this normal acid in addition
to other remedies.

When one considers that this normal acid is derived from the tissues of the stomach or gastric membrane and not
directly from the sodium chloride of the blood, one readily realizes that an ample supply of sodium chloride
alone is insufficient to restore normal gastric acidity. Rather that it is, instead, a complex process, the sodium
atom being picked up and combined with the phosphorus atom, giving rise to sodium phosphates to be
eliminated, thus allowing the chlorine atom to be set free to combine with the potassium and other minerals and
albumins in the gastric acid cells and to be made ready for future digestive functions.

That the removal or breaking down of toxic products found in impaired metabolism is best accomplished
by an acid is very well demonstrated by considering methyl guanidine, the deadliest toxin yet recovered

from animal tissues. A few minims of this toxin, when injected into the tissues of an animal, cause convulsions;

a slightly larger dose, immediate death. Yet, when hydrochloric acid is combined with it, it becomes a
harmless food substance.

This paper would not be complete without reference to malignant growths already mentioned. So far, search by
studying cell growth has ended in complete failure. Not in cell life is the secret to be found, but rather in the
media in which the cell lives and the nerves control. That cell growth is materially influenced by the nerve
centers of the spinal cord is undoubtedly true, as shown by the rapid wasting of the cellular tissue when
involvement of the anterior horns of the spinal cord occurs in infantile paralysis and progressive muscular
atrophy. Such being the case, a toxin causing destruction of the inhibiting control of cell growth probably
present in the posterior spinal nerve centers would allow wild growth of cell life; therefore neoplasms in all their
multitudinous forms and a general failure of the antiseptic powers of the blood serum will bring about what is
known as malignancy.

In the writer’s limited experience, cancerous growths seem to appear when the blood pressure is low, indicating
beginning failure of the adrenal system to combat toxemia. When hypertension is present, the other group of
degenerative diseases makes itself evident. In youth, a deficiency of normal gastric acid may allow
tuberculosis to become active, for all are probably infected, but only those deficient in natural immunity
develop this disease.

Of dietary causes, one naturally considers the great excess of sugar now eaten, which produces a surplus of
lactic acid, and an excess of egg proteins, making an unbalanced diet. But the worry, fatigue, failures and
despair of our present civilization, I believe, are the greatest factors of all. Austin has clearly shown the absence
and deficiency of hydrochloric acid in gastric fluids in pneumonia, consumption (tuberculosis) and cancer, as
well as in those mental states previously mentioned.

In “Neoplastic Disease” by Prof. James Ewing, page 73, writing on probable causes of cancerous growth, we
find: “It has been shown that the presence of lactic acid is dependent on impaired motility and deficiency of
HCl. Since these conditions are present very early in cancer, the test for lactic acid is of considerable diagnostic
value.” On page 71, we find that deficiency of HCl causes alkalescence, and this is found in cancerous


— That normal hydrochloric acid is necessary for complete, healthy digestion.

— That deficiency of this acid tends to sepsis, suppuration and general toxemia.

— That if adrenals are inactive, degenerative forms of disease usually appear.

— That if the adrenals are impaired, malignant neoplasms may be expected.

— That neoplasms are most likely caused by failure of the inhibitory nerve controls, probably located in the

posterior nerve centers of the spinal cord.

— That emotional worry, grief, anxiety, depression, are factors to be considered as causes of acid

deficiency of gastric juice and thus give rise to many conditions causing degenerative processes and

alkalescence so commonly found in cancerous disease.

The writer, after administering this acid solution of mineral chlorides to over 100 of chronic diseases of many
types, including cases of diagnosed cancerous growths in the digestive system, feels confident that this method
is without doubt a reliable and satisfactory one for such conditions and also a method of preventing cancerous
disease. If cases are too advanced for hope of recovery, this treatment ameliorates symptoms and prolongs life.
Also, above all else, it opens up a new field of research which he believes will lead to ultimate victory over the
degenerative progressive diseases so.

NOTE: This was one of a series of articles published in Medical World, now defunct, in about 1930-1935.



To present the essential features of the articles and case reports reprinted in this volume,
revisions have been made and sections not directly
related to the subjects have been omitted.

Philadelphia, Pa., 1935

TO: Dr. Burr Ferguson and Dr. Walter Bryant Guy whose monumental efforts in the advancement of
knowledge regarding the principles of hydrochloric acid therapy have stimulated the interest and won the
respect of their colleagues.


Editor: These are not links below, but titles of articles. And not all articles are on the website — yet. It has been a terribly
time-consuming operation from scanning very poor copy the readable text. There are many errors, without doubt. But it
is interesting.

Introduction: By Henry Pleasants, Jr., A.B., M.D., F.A.C.P
Original Articles by Burr Ferguson, M.D.
The Metchnikoff Idea
Hydrochloric Acid and the Phagocytes
Hydrochloric Acid and Oxygen Content of Red Cells
Quinine and Chlorides
“Favorite Medicine”
Intravenous Hydrochloric Acid and Blood Transfusion
Stronger Solutions of Hydrochloric Acid
Does Hydrochloric Acid Intravenously Harden Arteries?
Hydrochloric Acid as a Germicide
Sinus Infection
Acne Vulgaris and the White Blood Cells
The Healing of Wounds
Original Articles By Walter B. Guy, M.D.
Degenerative Disease and Its Etiology
Acid Mineral Chlorides in Treatment
Toxemia and Alkalosis
The Conquest of Cancer
Relation of Iron to Neoplastic Disease
Treatment of Cancer
A Further Report of Cases
Acid Mineral Therapy in Cancer
Original Articles of Other Contributors
Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Intravenously and Intramuscularly –Therapia Sterilisans Magna? By Desiderius de Beszedits,

Nature is the Best Doctor, by William I. Howell, M.D
Hydrochloric Acid Injections Produce Leucoocytosis– By William Howell, M.D.
Hydrochloric Acid Injections in Acute Infection? By William I. Howell, M.D.
Hydrochloric Acid Intravenously as a Therapeutic Measure, with Report of Cases, by W. G. Brymer, M.D., Ph.D.
The Use of Hydrochloric Acid Intravenously. by M. A. Craig, M.D.
An Attempt to Rationalize HCl Therapy, by A.M.Allen, M.D.

Case Reports and Comments:

Erysipelas-Streptococcous Infection-Hay Fever-Arthritis By F. J. James, M.D.
The Use of Hydrochloric Acid in the Treatment of Cancer. By 0. P. Sweatt, M.D.
The Use of HCl in Hodgkin’s Disease. By M. M. M.
Reactions to HCl Injections. By R. L Bills, M.D.
Hydrochloric Acid Intravenously in the Treatment of Puerp”
Infection. By R. S. Ingale. M.D.
Treatment of Malta Fever. By C. W. Baynharn, M.D.
Hydrochloric Acid in Puerperal Septicemia. By 0. F. Marcotle, M.D.
The Hydrochloric Acid Intravenously. By L. D. Jackson, M.D.
HCl Applied in Nose. By A. Bursell. M.D.
Hydrochloric Acid Intravenously. By Alphonso F. Raynes, A.B., B.S., M.D.
A New Treatment for Burns. By C. W. Baynham, M.D.
HCI Intramuscularly. By P. L Gordon. M.D.
Miscellaneous Reports and Comments
Picking A Winner


The demand for reprints and previous issues of THE MEDICAL WORLD containing articles by various contributors
on the subject of hydrochloric acid therapy exhausted the supply of material available. In order to meet this increasing
demand, we have collected in one volume the original articles and minor comments which have been published in this
magazine during the past three years.

This collection of reprints is a unique feature of medical journalism and should be of valuable aid to any physician
who desires to review the literature on this subject. It must be remembered, however, that this volume covers but 3
years ending early in the summer of 1935, and that some extremely important contributions have been published since
that date.

It is to be hoped that this volume will fill a long felt need, and that it will stimulate further individual research on this
most interesting development in therapeutic procedure.


The awakening of interest on the part of the medical profession in the use of dilute hydrochloric acid
intravenously, intramuscularly, orally and locally in the treatment in many disease conditions warrants a
condensed outline of the principles upon which this therapeutic measure is based; a resume of our own
experiences with it in certain cases; a frank discussion of its limitations, and a general outline of its possibilities.
The fact that this agent is so inexpensive; that it is not an exploited compound put out by pharmaceutical
manufacturers, and that its usefulness was developed by two practicing physicians, working independently along
entirely different theoretical lines, brings this remedy into a position of economic importance that should not be

Since the days of Hippocrates, medicine has been seeking for some remedy which would be efficient in
stimulating the resistive forces of the human body to combat disease. Even following the discovery of bacteria
as the cause of most of the diseases to which human beings are susceptible, the effort to stimulate personal
resistance went hand in hand with the effort to discover a germicide which would destroy the bacteria without
producing harmful effects on the patient.

Metchnikoff in the early years of this century presented his theory that the resistance of the body to
disease depended upon the activity of the phagocytes of the blood, the polynuclear leukocytes. It was not
long after this that Ehrlich announced his discovery of “606,” an arsenical preparation which would destroy the
spirochete of syphilis. He believed that it was possible, through chemistry, to evolve remedies which were of

tremendous sterilizing power. Without attempting to explain the intricate features of the “opsonic theory” of
Metchnikoff, and the “side-chain” theory of Ehrlich, the fact remains that the scientific workers of the profession
split into two groups, each supporting one of these theories, although granting the logical importance of the
other. In 1931, however, the theory supported by Ehrlich was allowed to pass into the discard as being

. . . Dr. [Burr] Ferguson [of Birmingham, Alabama] studied the influence of various drugs on phagocytosis.
The effect of the intravenous injection of mercurochrome [mercury] was particularly powerful as a phagocytic
stimulant, but its toxicity was dangerous. The same was true of other remedies. His observations showed that
alcohol was an active phagocytic stimulant, but the ability of the phagocytes to combat the bacteria was
lessened. He also found that nearly all of the physiotherapeutic measures, from mustard plasters and cantharides
blisters to the most modern radio-thermic appliances, were of very definite value in producing a marked
leukocytic and phagocytic response. The same was true of bleeding transfusion, injections of whole blood,
injections of sterile milk, leukocytic extracts, bacterins and other similar measures. Their value in certain cases
was unquestioned, but their action depended solely upon the principle that was as old as Hippocrates, namely the
stimulation of individual resistance.

The problem before Dr. Ferguson now was to find some remedy which would be successful in stimulating
phagocytosis, yet non-toxic. In 1927, he heard Dr. Granville Hanes, a noted proctologist, and studied this
surgeon’s technique in treating pruritus ani by injections of 1-3000 hydrochloric acid. Apparently, this acid
could be used in strengths of 1-500 without any evidence of toxic effect, yet with uniformly good results
clinically. Dr. Ferguson attributed this absence of toxicity to the fact that hydrochloric acid is one of the very
few inorganic acids which are normal constituents of the human body, and he determined to experiment upon
himself in order to discover whether it could be used safely by intravenous injection. Upon his return home, he
instructed his technician to take several leukocyte counts; then give him an intravenous injection of 10 cc. 1-500
solution hydrochloric acid. There was no severe reaction, as in the cases which had received arsphenamin,
mercurochrome, donor’s blood; and the leukocyte count increased very considerably with a definite increase of
polynuclear percentage. With this encouragement, he gave several doses of this preparation to some of the most
seriously ill patients who had failed to respond to other forms of treatment. The effect was so spectacular that he
continued his efforts, and reported his observations in Clinical Medicine and Surgery.

Considerable skepticism was expressed by the leaders of the medical profession not only as to the value of such
a simple procedure, but also as to the veracity of the reports of clinical improvement. Strong criticism was
voiced against intravenous injection of such a powerful acid, even in dilute form. Many men refused to give it
clinical trial on this ground; and on several occasions, Dr. Ferguson was refused permission to publish articles
on the subject or to discuss the matter before medical gatherings.

THE MEDICAL WORLD gave honest support to Dr. Ferguson and permitted the publication not only of articles
submitted by him, but also by other physicians, including Dr. Walter Bryant Guy of St. Augustine, Florida, who
was approaching the same subject of hydrochloric acid therapy from a somewhat different angle, and whose
research was of equal importance. His work deserves a brief description at this point.

Dr. Guy formulated a theory that most disease conditions, acute infections, anemias, metabolic
disturbances and malignant cell overgrowths are the direct results of changes in the hydrogen-ion content
of the lymph of the body which produces blockage of the lymph channels. In his studies of the growth of
corn and other forms of vegetable life, he had been able to demonstrate that the absence of sufficient
potassium salts in the soil would result in stunted growth, and evidence of precipitation of minute particles of
iron and other substances in the stalks. When potassium was added, the growth proceeded normally; when
dilute hydrochloric acid was also added, the growth was further stimulated.

He studied the lymph of a large number of patients suffering from carcinoma, and found that these cases
showed a hydrogen-ion much higher than normal individuals. He also found that by administering the salts

of potassium in combination with dilute hydrochloric acid, either orally or by the intravenous route, these
patients made remarkable clinical improvement, and the hydrogen-ion content of their lymph became
normal. The publication of his series of articles in THE MEDICAL WORLD was followed by a large number
of case reports by practicing physicians who greeted the new therapeutic procedure with great enthusiasm. Dr.
Guy published his first book on this subject in 1934, and a revision in 1935.

Having thus far presented a brief summary or the prodigious work of Ferguson and Guy, it may be well to call
attention to the fact that Ferguson was approached by one of the largest pharmaceutical houses and offered
a large sum of money to cease his efforts to place his discovery before the medical profession except through
the medium of products of this concern. Although in actual financial distress, he refused this offer, and has
continued in general practice, thereby exemplifying the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath as few men have done.
Similarly, Guy presented to the profession all of the results of his research, including his formulae and continued
his work in general practice. These two instances of utterly unselfish devotion to the interests of humanity are an
object-lesson to every practitioner.

While no attempt has been made to claim for hydrochloric acid therapy that its use intravenously produces the
effect described by Ehrlich as “Therapia Sterilisans Magna,” which he claimed for his original compound “606”,
it is interesting to note that laboratory research showed very definitely the actual germicidal properties of
dilutions of this acid. Cultures of staphylococci and streptococci and other “organisms” were destroyed
within a few minutes when mixed with dilutions 1-1000. This observation led to the use of the solution as a
local application in pustular skin affections. The effect was so spectacular that its importance is no longer

Ferguson demonstrated its efficacy as a urethral antiseptic in gonorrhea by being able to obtain negative
smears in from 2 to 3 days, and by being able to alleviate the distressing symptoms of burning and
tenesmus (spasmodic contracture of the bladder sphincter with pain and persistent desire to empty with
involuntary ineffectual straining) in even less time. Even bladder irrigations of solutions as strong as 1-500 were
tolerated satisfactorily by the patients, and there was no evidence of the destruction of normal tissue cells which
often attended the use of other antiseptic solutions such as the silver salts, potassium permanganate and the like.
Most interesting of all was the report by Ferguson of his success in the treatment of a most aggravated case of
pustular syphilides (secondary stage).

The attitude of the medical profession toward the work of Ferguson and Guy has been highly amusing, and
deserves a word of comment. Many of the leaders of research, whose observations coincided with the clinical
results obtained by practitioners, refused to allow their names to be used in connection with the work done.
Others openly ridiculed the whole theory as preposterous, and refused to allow this simple therapeutic measure
to be employed in their clinics.

However, it has been found that the makers of sterile ampules admitted frankly that the demand for ampules of
hydrochloric acid dilutions vastly exceeded the demands for all other preparations, and the largest consignments
were delivered in the city where most of the open criticism and ridicule was heard! In other words, the leaders of
the profession in many places were giving the measure a full trial and finding it efficacious, yet were unwilling
to admit the fact.

The story of this revolutionary episode in medicine grows more interesting and more dramatic day by day. The
suffering patients in the country districts, far from the well-equipped clinics and hospitals, have at last found that
something can be done for them. Whether or not it meets with the approval of the solons interests them not at all.
They ask for relief – and they get it, where the applicability of the measure to their complaint is obvious.

It would he unwise and unfair to both the medical profession and the public to discuss the merits of hydrochloric
acid therapy and fail to call attention to its limitations, and to the actual dangers attending its use in certain cases.

We have called attention to the fact that the use of the acid intravenously was followed by a considerable
increase in the leukocyte count.

A patient who had been suffering from myelogenous leukemia, with a leukocyte count of 84,000 (the normal
count being 6,500) was inadvertently given several venous injections of this preparation, with the result that the
already high count rose to the unbelievable figure of over 400,000. Obviously, it is poor medical judgment to
give a remedy that can only aggravate an existing condition.

Another important — vitally important — consideration affecting the administration of hydrochloric acid is one
which depends upon accurate and painstaking investigation of the individual by the practitioner. Since this
measure has the effect of stimulating the defense mechanisms of the blood, it is plain that the sudden increase of
“phagocytes” at the focus of infection will be followed by the formation of pus, which, after all, is but an effort
on the part of nature to attack invading bacteria. Should this sudden increase of the defense forces take place in
an area where the drainage is poor, an abscess may result. For instance, a patient may have a diseased appendix
which has been quiescent; there has developed in that patient a balance between the defense elements and the
infecting organisms. A sudden marshaling of the phagocytes at this point may stir the sleeping dog into a first-
class battle, with the result that the patient will require immediate operation. Similar situations may develop in
other parts of the body, particularly in closed spaces such as the middle ear and sinuses, and the patient must be
watched closely for the development of acute symptoms that might require surgical treatment.

From a prognostic standpoint, the inability of the patient to respond to stimulation is of grave significance. This
is readily determined by the blood counts made at frequent intervals during a course of treatment; in fact, it is
highly essential that progress of every case be watched by an intelligent and observant physician. While
astonishingly good results have been obtained by hit-or-miss methods in country districts by physicians who are
without laboratory facilities, it is reasonable to assume that more care is mandatory on the part of those whose
facilities are greater. The fact that there have been no reported cases of death as the immediate result of this
medication speaks volumes for the safety of this measure.

Spectacular Recoveries. It may be well to discuss in simplest terms the essential differences between the
methods of hydrochloric acid medication used respectively by Ferguson and Guy. There is little to be added to
what we have said in the preceding paragraphs regarding Ferguson’s technique and the principles upon which his
reasoning has been based. He is essentially a man of practical, rather than theoretical, ideas. He proved to his
own satisfaction that intravenous injections of dilute hydrochloric acid stimulated phagocytosis and
produced spectacular recoveries from apparently hopeless infections without harming the patient.

A Cheap Germicide. Furthermore, dilute hydrochloric acid was a practical and cheap germicide, of
greater potency and less destructive action than anything thus far discovered. Why, how, when and where its
action occurred were of less importance than the fact that the patient got well. Dr. Guy was more scientifically
minded. Although also a general practitioner, he was determined to discover, if possible, a basis for the
formation of a theory. He was a student of biologic chemistry, and from his knowledge and observation of plant
life and its behavior under the influence of hydrochloric acid and the salts of potassium in the soil, he believed
that certain similar principles applied to the growth and nourishment of human beings.

Lymph Circulation. Most important of all, he based his hypotheses on the observations of Hawk, that lymph
circulation, which is the medium by which nourishment carried to every cell in the body, is of as great
importance as the blood; and any condition, whether chemical or physical, which interferes with the flow
of lymph produces a profound effect on the cells of every organ in the body. He has reduced his theory to
simple and easily understood terms by a full explanation of the significance of the acid-balance of the human
body, and the necessity for a proper maintenance of this balance for the preservation of health.

Under normal conditions, the hydrogen ion concentration of human lymph should be slightly on the
alkaline side. Should this reaction vary too much, either on the acid or alkaline side, the patient will develop
conditions known respectively as “acidosis” or “alkalosis,” either of which may be fatal.

The Acid Balance. In health, the acid balance is maintained by the normal production of hydrochloric
acid in certain cells of the stomach; should this production fall short of bodily necessity, the balance must be
made up. Other acids, which are the products of decomposition in the human body, such as lactic acid,
fatty acids, carbonic acid, uric acid and others, are called in to fill the deficiency. These however, being
abnormal constituents of the great chemical laboratory of the human body, are ill-adapted to the requirements,
for they are unable to keep in solution many of the salts which must be thrown off as waste matter in bodily
excretions, the sweat, the expired air, the urine and the feces. In the effort of the body to provide acid of some
sort, these harmful acids become a “monkey-wrench in the machinery,” and the condition known as “acidosis”
results with symptoms of general systemic poisoning.

Conversely, when the hydrogen-ion concentration of human lymph falls into the acid side, due to excess
production of lactic acid, fatty acids, carbonic acid, uric acid and like poisons, there is an effort on the
part of the body to neutralize these with alkaline salts, such as calcium, sodium, potassium, ammonium
and others. These also, being foreign to bodily economy, produce the condition known as “alkalosis,” the
general symptoms of which are similar to acidosis, but often attended with general collapse.

The Importance of Potassium Salts. Dr. Guy has claimed that the mere administration of hydrochloric
acid to a patient would not fulfill the necessary requirements. In his opinion, potassium salts, often lacking
in the patient’s food are a necessary adjunct in the treatment aimed at bringing about a normal acid-base
balance. Excess of potassium may be harmful, and the ingredients of the formula which he advocates are the
result of close clinical observation by himself and others. The case reports following this line of treatment have
demonstrated improvements and recoveries which, in many instances, would seem miraculous, if it were not for
the basis of sound reasoning along bio-chemical lines upon which the treatment was founded.

Furthermore, if these reports were offered by the protagonist of such a system therapeutics himself alone,
skepticism would be justified; but the fact remains that from all parts of the world come infinite numbers of
similar reports from men in active practice – shrewd and experienced physicians on “the battle line of medicine.”

Actual and prompt clinical results to such men mean bread and butter. Satisfied means an increase in clientele.
These men are willing to leave research to the workers in heavily endowed laboratories. Their patients are more
interested in being cured than in the scientific aspects of the disease from which they are suffering. These
patients ask them to “do something”; and they know that unless something is “done” they will drift into the
hands of some charlatan who will at least give evidence of some definite form of active treatment, even though
hopelessly misdirected.

Lymph Fluid. The application of the principles of the principles of the hydrochloric acid therapy, or the “acidmineral
therapy” to various metabolic disturbances such as diabetes mellitus, arthritis and many obscure
conditions, is deserving of serious consideration. The most elementary lessons in chemistry in our public schools
teach that various substances may be held in solutions of given degrees of acidity or alkalinity. When the
proportions of the ingredients are perfectly balanced, the solution may be as clear and colorless as water; but let
the acidity or alkalinity change a minute fraction of a degree and a turbid fluid will result, with the accumulation
of a precipitate at the bottom of the container. With this explanation, it is by no means difficult to understand
how the normally clear and colorless lymph of the human body might, by a change in its chemical
reaction, begin to become cloudy, and to deposit the salts, such as calcium, which should be held in
solution. The deposit of these salts in joints must, naturally, interfere with the free and well- lubricated
action of these joints. Could not such a change in chemical reactions explain the enormous deposits of lime
salts in old arthritic patients?

Similarly, if the lymph should become turbid and sluggish, is there not reason to infer that the lymph
channels would become blocked, and the normal amount of nutrition be denied such structures as
muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, in fact every other component of the body? By the same line of reasoning, is
it not likely that the products of decomposition which should be removed by the lymph, would remain in the
tissues and act as poisons to the delicate individual cells? On this basis, can we not explain the atrophies of
muscles which are so characteristic of arthritis? With so many of the cells of the human body becoming
degenerated, is it not inevitable that the blood-making cells should also be affected? Anemia is a characteristic
symptom of arthritis.

Diabetes Mellitus. The applicability of the theory of Guy to diabetes mellitus is still under consideration. If it
be true that by appropriate medication, it is possible to restore the acid-base balance of the blood or lymph, the
possibility of ultimate cure in these cases seems not unreasonable. Certainly it seems within the bounds of
probability that the tendency to acidosis from the absorption of harmful metabolic products would be lessened;
conversely, the tendency for the development of hypoglycemia and alkalosis from over-dosage with insulin
would be minimized. At best, insulin is but a crutch upon which the diabetic patient leans heavily, and the
medical profession is still seeking some form of treatment which will correct the abnormal metabolic
disturbances which have produced this distressing condition. We can see most clearly, however, that it must be

the interference with the circulation of the blood and lymph in the extremities which brings about diabetic
gangrene. Even a slight improvement in this circulation would be productive of much relief to the patient.

Cancer and pH. The most startling possibility in the development of the acid-base balance theory — one which
we approach with the same feeling that one approaches the spot where a treasure chest is said to be buried, is
that it might be the key to the vault in which lies the secret of cancer. Research foundations, notably the
department conducted at the University of Pennsylvania by Dr. Ellice MacDonald, have been working for years
on the theory that the development of cancer has a definite relationship to the pH of the blood plasma.

Dr. Guy goes one step further in holding that the lymph is the responsible factor, and that in cancer patients,
the hydrogen-ion concentration is much higher than in normal individuals. It is necessary to give very large
doses of appropriate acids to these patients in order to bring the acid-base balance to normal. When this is done,
in his experience, remarkable changes are seen in the new growths, some of which seem to disappear, and the
lives of the patients are prolonged in comfort. He carries his theory further by claiming that there seems to be
little doubt that the water supply bears a distinct relation to frequency of occurrence of this disease in certain
areas or “cancer belts.” He is studying this problem at the present time . . .

Encephalitis Case. A patient, suffering from some obscure cerebral disturbance, and in coma upon admission,
lay unconscious for several days. Spinal drainage showed a pressure so high that on several occasions, it
could not be recorded. The Wassermann (test for syphilis) was negative, the cell count was 225, sugar 2-plus,
and globulin 4-plus, culture negative. There was choking of the discs, but definite localizing symptoms were
difficult to determine because of the man’s stuporous condition. Soon after admission, even in the absence of a
positive spinal Wassermann, he was given .9 gms. neo-arsphenamin, followed by spinal drainage.

This seemed to improve his general condition temporarily, but he soon relapsed into unconsciousness, became
incontinent and developed Cheyne-Stokes breathing. The end seemed imminent. By chance, Dr. Burr Ferguson,
who was on his way to the A.M.A. convention, was asked to see the patient. He agreed with the suggested
diagnosis of meningo-encephalitis, with the possible development of cerebral abscess, but unhesitatingly
advocated heroic doses of hydrochloric acid intravenously.

Acting upon his suggestion, the man was given 20 C.C. of a 1:500 solution. There was no evidence of untoward
reaction. By misunderstanding, a second dose of the same strength was given two hours later, also with no ill
effect. Injections of 1:500 solutions were continued every 2 days, but with little appreciable effect, except a
marked increase in polynuclear leukocytosis. Several days later, the patient showed slight improvement, but was
developing bedsores and a pustular eruption on his back and buttocks from the continual soiling. A local

application of 1:1000 HCl solution was immediately successful in bringing about rapid healing of these
sores. For a time, the man was able to converse intelligently; was able to take food, and, on one occasion,
climbed over the sides of the restraining crib to the floor, and appeared in the ward walking normally.

His spinal pressure still remained high — so high that it could not recorded by the manometer — but his
temperature came down to 99.0 F; pulse 72, and the spinal cell-count fell to 31. The man was later removed to
the University Hospital and died following an operation in which a large brain tumor was removed.

Pneumonia Case. A second case in the wards was that of a young man, admitted in serious condition with
signs of pneumonia involving the left lung. He was treated by the usual methods, and recovered from the more
acute condition, but the involvement of the left lung and pleura refused to clear up. X-ray examinations showed
evidence of some fluid, or thickened pleura on the left side; and the physical signs over this area supported this
diagnosis. His temperature began to develop the characteristic septic swing from normal or subnormal to 101.0
or 102.0 F., with sweating and chills. An aspiration was attempted, but no fluid obtained.

He was given 1:1500 injections intravenously, 10 c.c., every second day. Immediately improvement was
noted in his general condition, but in a day or two he complained of considerable left-sided pleuritic pain and
discomfort in breathing. The X-ray showed some increase in the shadow over the left base, and the breath
sounds became more indistinct. A second aspiration was successful and 40 c.c. of cloudy fluid obtained, which
on examination showed pneumococci and short-chain streptococci. The patient stated that he experienced
immediate relief from his pain. The following was much more comfortable, and the temperature began to come
steadily down to normal. He was given the acid-mineral solution (formula of Guy), 12 drops every 3 hours, with
continuation of the intravenous therapy. His condition immediately became extremely satisfactory, and he began
eating ravenously. His leukocyte count fell to approximately normal, as might be expected where the
necessity for phagocytic activity no longer existed. We mention this case to illustrate the point emphasized in the
first part of this introduction, that collections of pus may be expected in closed cavities when phagocytic activity
is increased. In this case, however, the mere withdrawal of a portion of the infected fluid was sufficient to throw
the balance in favor of the patient. A thoracotomy, with weeks and months of drainage and discomfort, to say
nothing of expense to the hospital, seems to have been obviated by this simple therapeutic procedure.

Remarkable Discoveries. In conclusion, we wish to say that we feel that the medical profession is
probably entering upon an era of remarkable discoveries, based upon the logical theories of Dr. Guy and Dr.
Ferguson, who are at the present time suffering from the stings of skepticism on the part of many of their colleagues.
We realize most fully that many steps must be taken before the procedures advocated by these pioneers
can be accepted by the conservatives. Careful checking of results by laboratory investigation will eventually
establish or disprove the assertions made by these men. However, it seems incumbent upon progressive
practitioners to make every effort to assist in the clinical research which may later prove of unbounded
assistance in the healing of the sick patient.

We have been led along the paths of synthetic medication for too many years, to the detriment of too many
sufferers, as evidenced by the growing incidence of serious blood disturbances, such as agranulocytosis,
methemoglobinemia and others. We have often relieved pain without attacking the underlying cause; we have
operated when resistance was at too low an ebb; we have prescribed remedies empirically, without clear-cut
knowledge of their action or collateral effect. Let us make a determined effort to follow our lines of treatment
with scientific exactness, and, if we feel justified in assisting the work of Ferguson, Guy and others, we may
either offer conclusive proof in condemnation of its principles or congratulate ourselves on being able to support
the efforts of its advocates by accurate clinical proofs and painstaking case records.



By Walter B. Guy, M.D.

In a previous article, emphasis was laid upon the necessity of free chlorine in the gastric fluid and its
fundamental role in carrying on normal digestion, assimilation and excretion. Also, certain consequences
were indicated of the metabolism of the body cells, if its secretion by various causes was interfered with.

Chlorine Deficiency. It was also shown that chlorine deficiency would cause incomplete digestion and
bring about a slow starvation of the mineral elements, and thus produce abnormal symptoms, indicating
profound changes, not only in the skin, bones and glands, but also in the nervous system, such changes
causing malfunctioning of the spinal nerves. Also that this dysfunctioning of the motor and sensory spinal
nerves by lack of control over cell life may give rise to neoplastic growths.

In this paper, an attempt will be made to bear out this hypothesis; to show that mineral deficiency is quite
common; also to show results of treating various diseases with a solution of mineral chlorides, the formula of
which was given in the before-mentioned article.

Before doing so, the writer desires to bring out some interesting facts found in the vegetable world, in order to
clarify, if possible, the hypothesis advanced. Mineral deficiency has long been recognized in the agricultural
world, and results of same, to a marked degree, have been studied, and appropriate remedies or fertilizers have
been applied, and results from their use verified. It is not the writer’s intention to take up all these minerals, but
to select the few necessary to bring out the salient points involved.

Potassium Deficiency. Let us take, for instance, the deficiency of potassium in soils. Corn or maize grown
in such a soil is apt to be sickly and die. When examined by biochemical methods, deposits of iron salts were
found in joints of corn; also coagulation of proteins. When potassium salts were applied to soil, this condition
disappeared. Tobacco plants grown under the same deficiency will become sickly; also areas of necrosis of cells
appear on the surface of the leaf, etc. Does not this at once call to mind pernicious anemia, with its debility,
lack of gastric HCI deposits of iron salts in liver and kidneys? The necrosed cells of tobacco leaves surely
point to a great similarity of our commonplace epitheliomata of the skin.

Calcium/ Phosphorus Deficiency. In soils deficient in calcium and phosphorus, another variety of
disease appears: wilts and fungi of root system and an accumulation of aluminum in the tissues of the corn.
Quite a few articles on absorption of aluminum have appeared in various medical magazines, indicating that this
element, foreign to the body cells, causes much disturbance, such as nerve and digestive disturbances. Calcium
deficiency is quite common even in Florida, where the artesian water is impregnated with calcium salts. It is
recognized by the tendency to nocturnal asthma, worse from cold and dampness, slow healing of broken bones,
lack of strength and myocardial weakness; also a low blood pressure, twitching of muscles, and cramps.

That the nervous system is implicated in tumor formation we believe is indisputable. The lack of sensation or
pain in the area involved in the early stage of the disease shows dysfunction of the sensory nerves. That spinal
nerves may have more than one function to perform is a truism corresponding to the varied functions of other
organs. Nutrition, cell growth and repair, cell control, and inhibition of cellular growth must also be included in
their functions, as well as motor impulses and sensory impacts.

We need greater knowledge of gastric chemistry: how the warm peptic hydrochloric solution functions, how it
breaks down food products, changes slowly but surely the minerals into chlorides to be again transformed in the
duodenum, these chemical changes liberating heat and vital forces for the use of the brain and nervous system,

Deficiency of Hydrochloric Acid. Deficiency of this hydrochloric peptic solution must, of necessity, bring
about in the animal economy a slow starvation of the mineral elements, an imbalance, also a fixation or

deposits in various tissues. For instance, as already mentioned, deposits of iron in anemia, deposits of urea
and sodium in gout and arthritis, an overplus of sodium in edema, a probable deficiency of potassium in
tumor and epitheliomata; also a deficiency of calcium in parathyroidism and some forms of asthma; a
lack of chloric acid must be manifest in alkalosis of cancer, tuberculosis and septic infections.

Progressive diseases of eyes, ears, kidneys and uterus may come under potassium deficiency; also tumor
formations. The value of potassium iodide in syphilitic nodes and gummata is well known and universally
applied. The various calculi of kidneys and gall-bladder, deposits of uric acid in tissues also indicate a
lessened solubility of salts, showing deficiency of hydrogen and chlorine. Chlorine, like oxygen, carries on its
own combustion in the digestive organs, while oxygen functions in the blood and lungs. Deficiency of chloric
acid solution also indicates a lowered immunity to infective organisms, lowered vitality, impaired appetite
and excretions, endocrine dysfunction and premature old age.

Hydrochloric acid is also the protective agency against microbic life in food and water intake of the stomach.

The first case to be reported is one showing marked indications of duodenal growth and who, after three weeks
treatment, with good results, of the mineral chloride solution, developed severe nocturnal asthma. Calcium
chloride was added to the solution and immediate relief was obtained.

Case of Annie M., age 45 years, colored, normal weight 170 lbs., losing weight for one year, now 140 lbs. For
the past two months, frequent gastric distress. July 5, 1932, found in great distress in region of stomach for
past three days. Soreness over duodenum. Unable to vomit, no relief from soda bicarb.,etc. Gave the acid
mineral chloride solution 3 minims (drops), diluted, every half hour. July 6th reported complete relief in 6
hours. Examination showed (hardness) and tenderness in duodenum. Gave the solution every hour while awake.
Diagnosis: Probably precancerous condition at pylorus.

July 13th, much improved; soreness relieved. Gave the solution three times a day. July 27, no sign of soreness of
duodenum or induration (hardness), but had developed nighttime asthma. The solution plus 10% calcium
chloride: relief of asthma reported next day. Still under treatment, steadily improving.

Case of Andrew D., age 26, school teacher. Asthma at night, greatly aggravated by dampness, rainy weather
and bathing in water. Calcium chloride, three times a day diluted, was given. Immediate relief of all
symptoms; can now bathe in ocean, get wet in rain without previous symptoms. Still taking remedy once daily.

Case of C. T., clubfeet, low blood pressure, weight 188 lbs. Fractured tibia and fibula midway between
ankle and knee. Seven months in hospital with regular treatment of milk food in excess, also calcium lactate and
cod liver oil. Left hospital with ligamentous union of bones freely movable. The acid mineral solution plus
calcium chloride, 3 grains, diluted, three times a day. In spite of a sharp attack of influenza, complete
ossification had taken place in 6 weeks and he returned to his occupation.

The next few cases are diagnosed growths in digestive organs. They were treated by the solution, some
intravenously, all by mouth. Most of these cases were probably in a precancerous condition or early stages of
cancerous disease.

Case of James C., age 53 years. Dec. 12,1930. Diagnosis: papilloma of the bladder: no loss of weight.
Second attack of hematuria; last, one year before, bright blood and clots for two weeks with soreness in

Treatment: intravenous injections of the solution once weekly. The solution, 4 times a day for 4 months.
Bleeding slowly disappeared; no recurrence to date.

Case of Peter D., age 50, Greek, married, two children, normal weight 135 lbs., now 102 lbs., jaundiced 4
months, growth in gallbladder easily outlined by palpation. Several surgeons and specialists gave fatal
prognosis. X-ray picture indefinite. Oct, 10, 1931, the solution intravenously once weekly and by mouth four
times a day. Bile laxatives at night. First two weeks, lost 4 lbs. Third week passed bile, and icterus gradually
cleared. Treated by mouth only after 3 months. One year later, no indication of tumor, in good health, no
history of gallstone, colic; weight 128 lbs.

Case of T. W. M., age 60. Feb. 16, 1932. For 2 years had suffered from severe gas pains for several hours
after eating – no loss of weight, now 158 lbs. Blood pressure 110. Examination showed soreness and induration
of sigmoid flexure.

Gave 9 minims (drops) after meals. Feb. 23, 1932, reported immediate relief of gas pains. Continued the
solution, treated spasmodically until May when he had a severe attack of influenza. June 11, 1932, soreness and
induration still present, but much reduced. The solution was continued; still under treatment. As he is out of
work, he is greatly despondent, but much improved at last visit.

Case of Lyla G., 87 years old, colored, many children. June, 1929, found writhing with stoppage, gas pains,
vomiting. Examination showed immense adenoma of descending colon. Gave the solution intravenously; no
other treatment. Next day reported relief in 5 hours. Four more injections were given intravenously, then by
mouth. October, 1929, showed tumor almost disappeared; treated for 3 months longer. September, 1930,
reported tumor in right tibia, size of an orange. Diagnosis: sarcoma. Treatment: the acid mineral chlorides by
mouth. July, 1932, although complicated by two attacks of edema, is in good health; very small swelling of leg
still present.

Case of J. L. J., colored. age 40 years. Oct. 8, 1931. Tumor removed from abdomen one year previous;
fibroma. Complained of severe pains over abdomen. small tumor present in site of previous operation. Gave the
solution internally. Complete relief in 3 months and disappearance of induration (hard spot) or tumor. June
10, 1932, no sign of growth.

Case of C. S. colored, age 50. 4 children living, weight 100 lbs. Three miscarriages. For 10 months, had pain
during eating; great distress after. No relief from medicine. Asthenia and insomnia.

Examination: liver enlarged; hard mass in outlet of stomach and edge of liver. Gave the solution intravenously
and by mouth. Complete relief of pain after eating in five days. Growth in pylorus cleared up, but induration
(hard spot) still remained in liver. Treated one year, complete relief, no sign of tumor remaining, well at this
date, July 1, 1932.

Case of L. P., age 63, colored. Aug. 2, 1930. Dairyman. Operation for removal of stone one year before,
suprapubic incision, no history of venereal disease, frequent urination during day, none at night. Loss of weight,
11 lbs. Examination: prostate shrunken; tumor size of small orange in scar. Treatment: Intravenous injection
of the solution weekly-, same by mouth q. i. d. (four times a day). In three weeks time, tumor had softened and
in six weeks had entirely disappeared. Opened urethra by sounds (a searching instrument), which aggravated
trouble. Solution continued at intervals. July, 7. 1932, still under treatment, much improved; had lost in
beginning 15 lbs., gained 7 lbs.

Case of A. K., age 67 years. Sarcoma of right mastoid for 18 years. Three years ago had radium seeds
applied, for pain and swelling had became severe. Partial absorption and relief from pain, then a decided
recurrence of all a symptoms 6 months later. Gave solution without HCL. Much improved for a while; then
relapse. HCI was added to solution three months ago, with great improvement, tumor decreasing and pain in
nerves of jaw nearly disappeared, with gain in weight, strength and facial appearance.

Case of J. D., Nashville, Tenn., age 62 years. Jan.11,1931. Recurrent growth in larynx. Operated on 5 times
at Johns Hopkins; last time Oct. 15,1930. Very hoarse, larynx swollen, inflamed, involving epiglottis, putrid
tongue. Solution given by mouth; still under treatment. Thinks he will get entirely well, as he is greatly
improved and able to speak in public.

Case of C. S. S., age 57 years. Sept. 19, 1930. No history of syphilis. One year ago had an attack of vertigo,
unable to walk, face and tongue paralyzed on left side, deafness in left ear, blood pressure normal. Left knee
reflex slightly exaggerated, left pupil larger.

Diagnosis: Brain tumor causing pressure on brain. The solution gave quick relief. June, 1932, recurrence,
same. Symptoms, also a hernia at 6th cervical vertebra of spinal fluid, which varied in size at intervals and could
be squeezed back into spinal canal. Solution again given six times daily. In two weeks relief of symptoms and
drawing in of hernial sac. He is now walking, can stand with eyes closed, reflexes normal, face and tongue
normal. This case shows action of acid mineral solution on the fluids of brain.

These cases, chosen for their variety of symptoms, show but little of the possibilities of this method of treatment.

Diabetes has been treated with this remedy, with very gratifying results. Doubtless some of the curative results
of insulin are due to the 1% HCl that the preparation contains; likewise the famed adrenal cortex solution.
During the (first) World War, Dakin’s solution of chlorine, lime and soda became famous for its curative action
because of its power to liberate minute quantities of chlorine into suppurating tissues. The acid mineral
solution likewise liberates chlorine into the general circulation of the body.

It may be criticized that the dose of solution is very small, but if we call to mind how the farmer uses but one ton
or less of an 8% potassium fertilizer to the acre-that if too much is used, then injury, instead of growth is
produced-so likewise, as we are dealing with the delicate pH equilibrium of the tissues, small doses (repeated
often, if necessary) are better than massive medication.

Pulmonary tuberculosis has responded wonderfully to this solution, and, if another paper is in order, cases can
be quoted later. So far, it appears that uterine fibroids and myomata are not benefited by this method of


The world is in sore need of a reliable, effective remedy for cancer and tuberculosis, also a preventive treatment.
The writer does not claim that he has a perfected remedy, but he does claim, by repeated proofs, that this
solution contains in itself an ability to promptly cause many precancerous lesions to disappear, that
cancerous conditions of the internal organs, where other methods are so futile, are and have been dissipated, and
that in cases too far advanced for recovery, relief of pain and distress is so marked that such patients believe
they will entirely recover.

Inexpensive Restorative Remedy. If the chlorine deficiency hypothesis be true, as it seems to be, we have
in this solution a reliable, inexpensive medication which, taken daily for several months, will prevent the
imbalance of minerals; likewise restore into the circulation, for assimilation or excretion, pathological
mineral deposits in the tissues involved.

Other physicians will doubtless test out these claims, as some are doing now, and publish results, and the writer
hopes that in the near future hope will take the place of despair, and no longer need cancerous victims face
inevitable and untimely death.

(1) The intravenous dose used by writer is 3 to 5 minims (drops) in 5 c.c. of distilled water at 5 to 7 day
intervals. Dose by mouth: 3 to 20 minims well diluted, 3 to 6 times daily.
(2) The solution has been proved by the writer to be an effective and curative remedy in many cases of
cancerous growths; also it points the way to the etiology of cancer and how cancer may be avoided.
(3) The remedy can in no wise cause injury; also advanced cases of cancerous disease oft times find great relief
from pain and toxemia.
(4) It has curative properties in diabetes, tuberculosis and other degenerative diseases.
(5) It will restore the normal acidity of the stomach, and thus bring about those conditions whereby the
digestive organs will absorb those minerals necessary for sustained health.
(6) The solution should be administered before and after surgical or other methods of treatment in cancerous
(7) The formula is the result of over 3 years’ clinical study in many diverse diseased conditions, testing and
eliminating unnecessary salts, and as now constructed should produce even better results than those herein
(8) Certain minerals in a weak hydrochloric acid solution by reason of its free ions, are quite active, and but
small doses are required.
(9) Taken regularly for sufficient time, the solution will correct alkalosis and put into circulation precipitated
(10) The solution by releasing free chlorine ions, raises immunity against infection and also an increased

By Walter. B. Guy, M.D.

I have some interesting cases to report. During the summer of 1933, the writer visited New Hampshire, Maine,
New York City and Washington, D.C., and its environs. Wherever he went, he found cases of chronic disease
of many kinds. Some hopeless and in despair; others still fighting for their lives. To these varied cases, the writer
gave his acid mineral solution with remarkable results. Some of the cases are worthy of record, and are here
briefly recited. The first case, however, was under treatment ere the writer left for the North, but is worthy of
inclusion, because of its severity.

May, 1933. L.W., negress, age 72 years. For two years, had Paget’s cancer of left breast. Ulcerated area 6
inches around retracted nipple. Painful, stinking. No glandular invasion. Bedridden, toxemia and asthenia. Acid
mineral solution, by vein twice weekly, 12 drops in water four times daily. Locally a saturated solution of
copperas to ulcerated area on breast. Quick relief was attained. Oct. 6, 1933, patient well and active, breast still
swollen, area of ulceration completely healed. During the summer months the solution was taken only by
mouth. Still under treatment.

May 15, 1933. White widow, age 74 years, New York City in slum area. Last stages of heart disease and
pulmonary tuberculosis; a large cavity in her right lung. Acid mineral solution and a Blaud-strychnine
compound tablet twice daily was ordered. Report at this date: Is able to go out and is greatly improved in

H. G., white girl, age 4 years, New Hampshire. Parents and three older children well. For 2 years, had slowly
increasing convulsions until they numbered 5 to 24 daily. Under observation as Boston Children’s Hospital
several weeks; report negative. Phenobarbital in large doses ineffective. Examination showed child running
about with body bent to right, dry cough and persistent constipation. Headaches preceded convulsions, evidently
not epileptic. Acid mineral solution was given 6 times daily, with immediate relief. Convulsions returned
slightly once weekly for three weeks, then stopped. When last seen had gained in weight, rosy checks and

seemed in best of health. Here was plain evidence of increased brain pressure. The diagnosis or cause I will
leave for present.

August 15,1933. H. C. White man, age 90 years, New Hampshire. Large tumor in abdomen from fecal
impaction in small intestines; Blood pressure, 230. Interstitial nephritis, slight albumin. Bedridden from herpes
zoster for four months. Treatment: acid mineral solution, 12 drops in cup of hot water, preceded by
dessertspoonful of mineral oil every hour. Complete relief of impaction in 48 hours. Acid mineral solution
now three times daily. Blood pressure slowly dropping and improving in health.

July, 1933. H. C., white woman, age 43 years, Washington, D.C. Diabetic. Three years before had received
intravenous injection of glucose for varicose veins in legs at a Baltimore hospital, which set up a glycosuria;
taking 40 units of insulin daily for three years. Complained of muscular tetanic spasms, awake and asleep,
indicating parathyroid insufficiency. Acid mineral solution was given six times daily, with immediate relief of
tetany; also it lowered the excretion of glucose in urine.

M. E. White woman, age 53 years, Washington, D.C. For 18 years had a horny growth on heel of foot, which
would crack, ulcerate, then horn would peel off to form still another one. The whole foot inflamed and sore.
Acid mineral solution was given. In 4 weeks, the growth fell off and foot is now healed and free from disease.
H. S., male, age 43 years, Washington. D. C. Weekly migraine; also raised pus from chronic bronchitis. Acid
mineral solution given; complete relief in two weeks. Two months later, still well.
E. S., white woman, age 70 years. Complained of gastric distress after eating for past 2 years. Burning and pain
immediately after meals. Acid mineral solution was prescribed. Immediate relief was obtained.
G. H. S. White male; age 72 years, Washington. D. C. Had operation on prostate one year before. Examination
showed cavity in apex of right lung. Myocarditis marked, with frequent extrasystoles; carcinomatous growths
in bladder wall. Two large cancerous growths in the right groin, 6 x 6 1/2 inches. These growths had occluded
right ureter. Anemia marked, weak. Average urinary evacuations 16 times each night. Six intravenous injections
of acid mineral solution were given. Daily by mouth. Improvement soon took place. Urinary frequency reduced
to five times at night. The ammoniacal urine soon became acid; heart beats become normal, the lung lesion
disappeared, also expectorations. Growth gradually reduced to two inches in size. The right kidney ureter
opened up, discharging large amounts of pus through bladder. October 1933, case still under treatment.
Outcome, owing to advanced age and anemia, still uncertain, but he is much improved.
Potassium Deficiency. Other cases might be quoted, but enough has been described to show there must be an
underlying factor in all these varied aspects of disease, and that this factor, the writer believes, is a deficiency of
potassium in progressive and degenerative disease, including tuberculosis as well as cancer, bringing about
a deficiency of chlorine in gastric secretions and an excess imbalance of sodium, calcium, and magnesium
in the tissues. Therefore, when the acid mineral solution, containing iron, chlorine, and potassium, is
administered, the varied symptoms due to deficiency must inevitably be relieved. We sorely need a simple
chemical color test for this potassium deficiency, and this test the writer hopes to be able to find. If so, a future
article will be written. Till then, let all carry on this treatment, so helpful in the multitudinous cases that are to be
found in every town and countryside.

The child with convulsions was diagnosed by the writer as a tuberculosis involving bowel and brain, causing
stoppage of the lymph channels; therefore high cerebral pressure.

In a previous article, reference was made to the claims of Professor Esmond R. Long of Chicago University
(Chemistry in Medicine), who found that free glycerin was given off from the fatty acids in tubercular
patients, and that this glycerol is the chief food for growth of tubercle bacilli. It seems logical, then, to
believe the acid mineral solution producing, as it does, profound changes in the chemical reactions of the tissues,

inhibits the breaking down of the fatty acids and the production of the free glycerin in such cases, thus bringing
about starvation and death of these invading germs. All cases of tuberculosis when given the acid mineral
solution show quick and uniformly curative reactions. The writer hopes that other members of THE
MEDICAL WORLD “family” will report their cases to this journal, knowing that only good results can follow.
However, it must be clearly understood that when this acid mineral solution is given to cases of cancerous
disease, both calcium and magnesium must be rigidly excluded from the treatment; otherwise no good results
can possibly follow.

For the reason for this law, study should be made into the mineral chemistry of the soil of the earth, where
excess of soluble calcium inevitably produces sterility and permanent injury. Magnesium is the chief impurity of
sodium chloride and produces injury to the nervous system when in excess, and as in the writer’s opinion,
neoplastic growths are but signs of failure of posterior spinal inhibitory control of reproduction of cell life, we
can readily see, by the light of this hypothesis, why magnesium is contraindicated in cancer treatment.

Keratosis Case. The case of keratosis of the foot, a horny growth existing over 18 years, is very suggestive,
for here we have uncontrolled proliferating, epithelial cells, so closely allied to malignancy. Hence, when a
potassium salt is given in an acid solution, and within 6 weeks the growth falls off, to be replaced by normal
skin, shows conclusively that lack of potassium in tissues can be present over many years and that this mineral
has a very distinct relationship with cell production, its deficiency causing doubtless excessive uncontrolled
cellular growth, not restricted to any portion of the human economy.

The writer has received many letters of inquiry and of commendation, and he believes if such letters were addressed to
THE MEDICAL WORLD, all could share in answers, and likewise receive encouragement from the favorable reports


By William I. Howell, M.D., Lexington, TN.

It is strange that things will hold on when they get nowhere. I noted an article in a medical journal where an
Indiana man was writing on cellulitis in the pelvis of women following lying-in period, either at time or not,
telling of the management. His idea was to clean them up, give blood transfusions, rest.

It really meant let them die if they could not fight it out alone. Some 3 years ago, I found a remedy that is 95%
sure. Begin as early as they show signs of fever. Give them 10 c.c. of a 1-1500 or 1-1000 solution of
hydrochloric acid, in a vein, every day. Usually in 5 to 8 days, they are clear of fever, really getting well.

De Lee says one out of every 400 women die in childbirth or from causes related to the same; 10 out of these
400 are invalided for life. It is almost all uncalled for. I have just attended two cases of confinement that had
serious lacerations. I began to give them injections of acid at once, repeated every day to the seventh or eighth
day. They never had any fever. They are getting well; are not invalided for life.

The question arises: just how does it do this? We fight infection with the white cells. After every injection of
the acid, there is a rise of 2,000 to 6,000 cells in 6 to 8 hours. To prove this contention, I went to Dr. R. A.
Douglas, and asked him to take a white cell count; then give me an injection of the acid. He did this.The first
count was 7,300. Then, the injection. I went back in 1 hour and 40 minutes. He made another white cell count. It
showed 9,800 — a rise of 2,500 in that short time.

The acid gives the same happy results in nephritis. Give an injection every day – in 5 or 6 days, the albumin
diminishes until there is none.

Acute Nephritis Case. I saw a case of acute nephritis September, 1933, following scarlet fever. A boy, 9
years of age, swollen till he looked as though he would burst. I tried everything I could get at; salt-free diet,
potassium citrate in large doses, milk diet. The hospital authorities said his urine showed four plus albumin.
After 6 weeks, he showed no improvement. I decided to try the acid. I gave him 3 c.c. of a 1:500 solution in the
gluteal muscle every day, alternating hips each day. In 7 days, the albumin began to decrease. After 21
injections, he was entirely well. I have reports from him almost weekly; no albumin.

I saw him May 6th, 1934. He was out on the road with other children, was just as busy in their games as they
were, showed no signs of his former trouble, looked well, ruddy like the others.

Acute Prostatitis. Since that time I saw another case of acute prostatitis, urine loaded with albumin. After 6
injections, his urine was entirely cleared up. I have given him about 25 injections. He sleeps well at night; no
more bladder trouble.

Tuberculosis. I have a man under my care who had tuberculosis of the lungs. The bladder became involved.
I gave him an injection every day for 30 days. He missed his fever, all bladder symptoms are gone, eats plenty,
sleeps well, has had no fever in 10 months. His weight has gone up from 140 to 180 lbs. I am still giving him an
injection once a week. He is doing light work, coughs very little. He has taken more than 100 injections with
never the slightest harm.

In acute tonsillitis, it is specific. Never over 2 injections, one each day. Most of the time, one injection is
sufficient and next day, they are ready for work.


By Desidierius De Beszedits, M.D.
Former President of the Federal Sanitary Brigade in the District of Tlaxiaco, State of Oaxaca, Mexico

Take, for instance, in my exceedingly severe pneumonia cases, where it has never failed me. Pneumonia — all
types of pneumococci — in hot climates is more treacherous, more deadly, than in the temperate zone. A
characteristic of these pneumonia cells is that they are enclosed or, should I say, “gum-coated” [i.e. now
known as a biofilm].Thus incased, this outer coating or casing or capsule contains polysaccharides. This
evidently impermeable coating makes the protected germs inaccessible, virulent, deadly; more so if each
type has its own particular coating. Once made accessible (to the action of the white blood cells), exposed,
undressed, so to say, these germs are not particularly dangerous.

Then, I ask, when injected, what does HCl solution do to these pneumonia cells, to this perhaps
impenetrable coating? Is it that it itself attacks and simply “skins” them? After which, once made accessible,
their undoing and elimination are simple through the natural process of leukocytosis plus phagocytosis. Am I on
the right trail in my deductions?

Or would this HCl solution injected, do some biochemical wonder as to respiration and the physiology of
circulation, since the exudates (blood, pus, serum, germs) that accumulate in the minute air chambers of the lung
cause it to lose its “sponginess” and become liver-like; the devitalized air cells definitely collapse; no adequate
amount of oxygen can get into the blood; neither can carbon dioxide and toxins constantly produced by the
attacking germs escape from the blood; the lungs, under the undue labor, become exhausted; so does the toxin-
poisoned heart.

Yet noting the unfailing beneficial effect, I always obtain with HCl solution injected, even in such extreme
conditions, isn’t it reasonable if I ask: did it cause dilatation of the plugged air spaces (so that the white cells can

get to the toxins?) so that enough oxygen can get through, so to sustain the patient until (the white blood cells
having done their work) carbon dioxide gets into the blood and helps (via the brain) to excite the lungs to expand
and contract, thus re-establishing normal breathing and saving the patient?

Or can or does HCl solution injected act as a detoxifier or a “toning up” agent when the toxin-poisoned cells are
no longer able to take and deliver life’s essential oxygen?

The most trying circumstances — numerous civil uprisings, thus not only far away, but cut off from any possible
help simultaneously with the burning down of my house and drug store — under which I have been laboring in
my daily clinical work, compelled me at first not only to use, but really to abuse, HCl injections. At first I
entertained very serious doubts about this substance, and did not approve its promiscuous use in almost every
case that came to my clinic, my only excuse (to myself) being of the sheerest necessity: numerous sick people
seeking treatment and absolutely no other medicine available. So if necessity is mother of all inventions, so
much more was it mother in my case of innovation or discovery or, better yet, “revelation” of this humble, but
marvelous, acid.

Little by little, the more I used it – upon others as well as on myself – my doubts turned into hopes and gradually
my hopes into happy surprises. Looking back now, after having used several thousand injections – I am not only
not sorry for having done my “dangerous” experiments, but I am decidedly glad for all, for HCl injected had
proved to be a godsend therapeutic agent on all occasions when used with due caution and prudence.

My investigations – with the capable guidance of a competent American biochemist I employ — I consider far
from being complete. However, to me it is certain that HCl, besides its action upon cellular life and cell
behavior, does have some additional inherent “virtue,” for it accomplishes much more than claimed by its most
ardent advocate.

So far, we have only heard of what it will do in infectious diseases. My observations, my failures and results, my
work with this substance, lead me to reason thus: man is the center of medicine; he is either the victim of illness
or is the cause of his own disease; so human diseases may be put into two general divisions: from within,
degenerative diseases; from without, the infectious diseases. Numerous subdivisions are possible, but not

In the infectious diseases the leukocytosis and phagocytosis theory — as championed by Dr. Ferguson and his
followers — certainly is correct and most satisfactory. But what about the degenerative diseases, due to tear and
wear, where the “cogs” in the wonderful human machinery become more or less worn and out of alignment; life-
giving and sustaining substances— minerals —depleted or exhausted? What will HCl solution injected
accomplish in order to obtain “repair”?

What are the coadjuvants that are needed to make it a complete success? In pernicious types of malaria and in a
malignant type of highly infectious dengue, as seen only in tropical climates, HCl solution injected intravenously
produces a notable effect — quick and sure — upon the hematopoietic elements of the spleen, marrow, and lymph

The gradual re-establishment of the acid-base equilibrium of the body, the renewed carbon dioxide combining
power of the blood, the relation of the chlorides of the blood plasma under its action attest its highly active and
beneficial (repairing, coagulating, etc.) influence.

This is my tenth year of clinical experience in Mexico, spent in different parts, mostly on the coast in the hot
country. I usually see from 2 to 20 malarial cases every day, besides all the diseases that one finds “in the
books,” and sometimes I think that there still are some “unwritten” ones that occasionally come to me.

Among all, my own case was, perhaps, the most characteristic and most malignant. Though saturated with
quinine, I was daily shaken with chills lasting 45 minutes followed by high temperature up to 105 degrees of 2 to
3 hours duration; then profuse sweating.

Having exhausted all my own malarial knowledge, I consulted two of our best malaria expert M.D.s whose 3
weeks’ treatment did me no good. Of my usual weight of 170 lbs., I have lost 65 lbs., became the yellowest-
skinned skeleton, with added tropical dysentery and stomach ulcers, and — seriously contemplating suicide.

Then, just at this time, my house and small drug store burned down. Thereafter, the only medicine I had left was
a scorched bottle of “acid phosphate of Dr. Horsford,” and at that time it enjoyed quite a large sale in Mexico. It
is composed of different mineral phosphates and dilute HCl.

Hardly able to drag myself around, and with many sick people asking for treatment, I decided on something “big
and bold.” I diluted that bottle to the limit, so that it would go a long way, and I myself took it by the mouth and
in intramuscular injections and administered it to every one of my patients for any and all ailments.

Seems and looks foolish, doesn’t it, this my “Indian medicine man” attitude and action? Yes, I think so myself,
but everything is fair in love and in war. So is everything excusable for a sick person trying to get well! To be
short –in one week, we all were well and happy. This, again, gave me the idea to use certain mineral salts as
coadjuvant with minute doses of HCl.

Since then, I have treated a great many similar malignant types of malaria — bilious, hemoglobinuric or blackwaterfevers.
One of them that I treated with quinine and salvarsan terminated fatally, with persistent hiccough,
hepatitis and abundant vomiting of blood. All others treated with my HCl mineral prescription survived, like
myself. In the most severe cases of tropical malaria, with “access pernicieux” (when death may supervene with
unexpected suddenness) and with cerebral involvement and consequent coma, the very efficient and quick effect
of HCl injected is noticeable in copious sweating, this “crisis” of sweating usually terminating the comatous
state and heralding the beginning of nursing back to health.

Now, why is this sweating? What effect can HCl produce on the “glandulas sudorificas”? Or on the
corresponding nervous system in malarial amblyopia that under the action of the HCl solution, injected
intravenously, will clear up readily? How does it work in this case upon the benumbed or oppressed nerves
(causing release from oppression)? What deductions and explanations can doctors, thoroughly familiar with the
blood picture, morbid anatomy, pathology and pathological anatomy, etc., of this “multiform” disease, make as
to the action of the HCl injected?

Those who know malaria and quinine therapy in all its forms and manifestations know that quinine is not a
specific for malaria. It is only that certain types of malaria and malaria in its certain “phases” are amenable to
quinine. But, all and every malarial case will clear up when the sulphate of quinine is used, dissolved with water
with the aid of HCl. And in the opinion and practice of our best malaria experts, it is infallible when the
chlorides, as recommended by Dr. Walter B. Guy in the pages of THE MEDICAL WORLD, are added.

Not to apply the HCl solution with quinine in all malaria cases right from the start I would consider a culpable
error. If HCl solution so used does not prevent the next succeeding “chill” (it always diminishes it), or if relapse
is prone to occur, it is only because the right dose was not given.

Can it be that HCl solution injected, due to its inherent quality or virtue, exerts a toxic influence upon malarial
parasites, killing them by poisoning or “burning: them up or choking them to death by engulfing them, by
isolation or saturation? Or is it that the white blood cells will do any or all this when stirred up by the HCl
solution injected?

What an immensely broad field is offered here for the most interesting research work as to the possible or likely
effect of HCl solution injected, upon these and all other parasite germs. Is such effect the same on the filterable
as on the different bacterial germs? On those that are reproduced by dividing or splitting or on those that grow
spores? When they alone can or do cause the disease or when acting in concert with some other contaminating
organism that somehow gets into the colony? On new germs or on new forms of the old ones? During the
reproductive or other evolutive period, in free state or when encapsuled? Such research and accompanying
experiments should be carried on and kept up until the final solution is reached, for the hot countries, as well as
the temperate zones, have a great many seasonal and regional, but in all “international,” pathological puzzles.

In another interesting trial, I have put the HCl solution in two cases of elephantiasis arabum, and in a good
many cases of elephantiasis graecorum. The first, said to be caused by the filaria sanguinis hominis, and the
second by the specific bacterium, the bacillus leprae of Hansen. HCl solution injected intravenously in these
hopeless cases produces surprising effects.

It is an accepted fact in pathology that the causation of the condition as in the first case is due to lymph
stasis, or to an occlusion in the lymph stream. Naturally, the involvement of the lymphatic glands ensues; or
lymphangitis may be due to specific infection in the congested area.

NOTE: This is a very long article and has not been finished editing — very interesting parts will follow.


Experience to date indicates that the treatment of cancer can now be divided into two divisions. First: removal of
underlying factors producing lymph and nerve stasis, viz., a potassium deficiency, an alkalosis and lymph stasis,
caused by an iron precipitation. Second: surgical removal, when possible, of tumor, or local antiseptic treatment
to external open lesions to destroy invading micro-organisms; also other measures are helpful, such as bacterins,
sulphur internally, as well as supporting treatment, as proper diet, tonics, gland theray, and radiation.

This local antiseptic the writer believes he has perfected. It can be applied to large cancerous lesions, is very
effective in destroying micro-organisnis, removing foul odors and discharges; it causes cancerous nodules to
break down, stimulates growth of healthy granulations, and, best of all, its application is painless and

The antiseptic oil I use is the following: (Old apothecary measures)

Sat. sol. of iodine (crystals) in chloroform…..400

Sat. sol. of naphthalin in mineral oil………12000

M. Sig.: Apply to cancer sores for 30 days.
By the above treatment, rapid improvement occurs; the cancerous nodules in lymph channels melt away. Recent
growths are rapidly dissipated, ammoniacal urine becomes acid, blood in index improves, complexion clears and
a sense of well-being comes in place of toxic malaise. Also cancer pains are quickly alleviated.

The question may be raised: why potassium deficiency? This the author believes to be quite common and may
be due to a hypochlorhydria brought on by worry, grief, etc., producing the deficiency of hydrochloric
acid giving rise to lactic acid replacement and maldigestion and impaired absorption of mineral salts.

As lactic acid is given off by malignant growths, it may be assumed, therefore, that replacement of
hydrochloric acid by lactic acid is proof of existing alkalosis.

Potassium deficiency may also be the underlying factor in susceptibility to tuberculosis, causing excretion of
glycerol from the fatty acids of cells, as outlined by Professor Esmond R. Long, of Chicago University.

A few of the cases treated will now be briefly described in order to show how the remedy causes alleviation in
different aspects of neoplastic disease:

L. W.. negress, aged 73 years, St. Augustine. 4-10-33. Paget’s disease of left breast, necrosed area six inches in
diameter, breast hard, swollen, retracted nipple. Bloody discharge at intervals, toxic, bedridden, no glandular
involvement, severe pains posterior to heart. Intravenous and internal treatment by acid potassium solution; also
local treatment. 11-14-33, In good health, has gained 25 pounds in weight. Breast normal except for small
induration remaining in center of breast. Still under treatment. Breast improving after each injection. Note: This
case was neglected during absence of the writer for 4 months during the summer.
Wm. T., 42 years, white, veteran. 2-22-33. Had gastric distress twelve years previous. February, 1930, much
worse. February 1931, had chicken pox; gastric distress became worse; went to Pensacola Hospital; treated for
gastric ulcer, no relief. May 1, 1932, X-rayed at Flagler Hospital, St. Augustine. Sent to Lake City Veterans
Hospital. June, 1932 went home. Diagnosis: Cancer of stomach. Hopeless,grew worse, frequent hemorrhages
from stomach and bowels, almost died January, 1933.

February 23, 1933; Examination. Near death, large mass in stomach and duodenum, great pain, frequent
hemorrhages from stomach in vomitus and from bowels. Pulse,120; night sweats, fever, marked cachexia
(malnutrition and wasting)and much emaciated. Case looked hopeless.

Treatment: acid mineral solution intravenously every 3 days. Same by mouth in oatmeal water, 5 times daily.
Atropine sulphate given when in pain. April, 1933: Big improvement; mass in epigastriurn no longer palpable.
Hemoglobins had risen from 40 to 70 color chart. Bacterin Van Cott was given. This patient got up and around
during writer’s absence during the summer. In September, roof blown off shack; got wet, has gastritis, no sign of
tumor present. Should recover. 11-18-33: Owing to extreme poverty and lack of proper food, all improvement is
due to medical treatment.

Case of L. W., age 48, St. Augustine; weight, 117′. loss 13 lbs., 10-26-33. Uterine fibroids for 6 years.
Treated 18 months before by X-rays. One year ago, severe pains in back and pelvis; sitting or lying down almost
impossible. Examination showed uterine fibroids, size of head, reaching nearly to umbilicus. Yellow skin,
operation scar for removal of right kidney 17 years before. Motion painful in base of spine and unable to bend
forward. Weekly injections of acid potassium solution were given intravenously; also same by mouth q.d. After
second injection, pain and stiffness decidedly relieved. Can now lie down in bed and sit without pain;
complexion clearing and growth much reduced in size and uterine discharge stopped. Diagnosis: Beginning of
malignancy in growth. 11-13-33: Case still improving. Intravenous injection once weekly; tumors decreasing in
size after each injection.

L. G., age 87 years, negress; June, 1929; many children. Found with gas pains from on immense adenoma in
the colon, size of 8 months pregnancy; vomiting and complete stoppage. Injection of acid solution was given
intravenously; no opiates. Gas pains and colic relieved in 5 hours. Five further injections were given, then
solution by mouth. By September, 1929, all signs of tumor had disappeared. One year later, a sarcomatous
swelling appeared on the right tibia disappeared after treatment by the same solution by mouth for several
months. This woman died from diabetic gangrene in 1932 — from diabetes with gangrene of the hand.
P. D., Greek male, age 50. Growth in gallbladder and duodenum, badly jaundiced for 4 months. X-ray film
indefinite; loss of 20 lbs. Several surgeons in this city and Jacksonville gave fatal prognosis, and mineral
solution was given intravenously once a week; same by mouth. Gradual improvement took place. At this date,
he is in the best of health and has gained 28 lbs. in weight.

J.L J., woman. colored, age 40. 10-8-31: Recurrent growth in scar above pubes, operation for removal of
fibroid one year before. Gave acid solution internally for 3 months. Complete relief of pain and
disappearance of tumor. 6-10-32: Still well.
Mrs. F. P. J., white- age 70 years, 1-2-31: Probable growth in duodenum, with digestive disturbance; also
hard red swelling on right tibia. Gave acid mineral solution for 10 months. Complete relief and at this date is in
good health.

Mrs. M. M.. age, 67 years; white. 12-4-30: Indurated swelling over duodenum. Toxemia, ptosis (drooping) of
stomach and intestines. Gave acid solution by mouth. Slow recovery. Now in good health.

C.S., colored woman; age 50. 10-19-30: For 10 months had severe pain while eating. Examination showed
growth in stomach and liver. Insomnia, toxemia, no relief from medical treatment. Acid solution was given
intravenously and by mouth. Immediate relief from gastric distress. Complete relief from all symptom and
growths at end of one year. Still well. 4-10-32

P. F.; age 30; colored woman, Jacksonville, 3-19-31: Gas and pains in abdomen for three years. Low blood
pressure; asthenia (weakness). Examination showed indurated swelling in left colon. Acid solution by mouth.
Complete relief in 2 months and disappearance of growth.
J. D. C., age, 58; colored man Jacksonville. 12-18-30: Indigestion for 25 years. Ate freely of eggs and sugar.
Examination showed indurated swelling of left colon. Acid solution by mouth. Complete relief in 3 months.
M. E. P., age 63 years; White. 2-24-33: Cancer of cervix uteri, ten years before. Radium treatment four rears
ago. Examination shows vagina nearly occluded. Cancerous membrane on meatus and vaginal wall, like raw
steak; cauliflower excrescence of vulva. Large nodule in rectal vaginal wall. Acid solution by mouth. Ferrous
sulphate locally. 10-10-33: Unable to pass finger into vagina. Acid solution intravenously once weekly.
Antiseptic oil locally. 11-21-33 Much improved. Vagina opening up, less painful, better health; Gaining in color,
weight strength. Still under treatment.
L. P. colored man; age 63 years, 8-2-30. Complained of cystitis; loss of weight. 15 lbs. Examination showed
indurated growth in scar over pubis from previous operation for stone in bladder. Acid solution intravenously
once weekly and by mouth. Within twenty-one days tumor had disappeared. 11-1-33: No recurrence of growth.
Bladder still irritable. Prostatic gland normal; gained 7 pounds in weight.
C.S.S.; age 57 years; colored, St Augustine. 6-19-32: Vertigo, paralysis, one year before treated by acid
mineral solution, complete relief in four weeks. Attack of vertigo, facial paralysis, deaf in left ear. Small hernia
in back of neck of spinal canal about sixth cervical; can be compressed. Diagnosis: Cerebral tumor. Acid mineral
solution by mouth. 9-19-32-All symptoms absent. Able to resume work.

More cases could be quoted, but these have been chosen to show how the acid potassium solution covers a large
field of internal cancerous diseases.

As experience permitted, the acid potassium solution was improved; so at this date the solution is rapidly
effective, especially so when given intravenously. The local remedy mentioned is intensely antiseptic and
germicidal and, being inexpensive. and painless, is well adapted to large ulcerated areas, seen in advanced
cancerous disease, also in rectal and vaginal growths.

(Editor’s note: Old symbology not on my keyboard and possible omissions or errors.)

The revised solution I am now using is the following:

Liq. potas. arsenitis…………………………100

Sol. potassium chloride (10%)……………………800

Sol. potassium sulphate ( 10%)……………………1600

Sol. hydrochloric acid dilute …………….q.s.ad 3000

M…… Sig.; 5 to 25 drops in water after each meal. Intravenously: 5 to 10 minims in 10 cc. of water.

No bad effects have been noticed by the intravenous injections.

Literature Cited: Cancer contributions. Adair; Bulletin 208, Purdue University, Indiana; Manual of Clinical Chemistry.
Austin; Chemistry in Medicine.


By Walter B. Guy, M.D.

It is axiomatic that a healthy organism in either the vegetable or animal world is primarily dependent upon
a normal balanced mineral content. Therefore, an excess or a deficiency must inevitably bring about,
sooner or later conditions known as disease. That the abnormal mineral content will likewise cause the
affected organism to be less able to withstand encroachment of microbic life is likewise a truism.

The writer wishes to present some interesting data linking up both the vegetable and animal worlds showing, by
proven statistics, how certain mineral deficiencies disease conditions and how this knowledge applied to
neoplastic and affiliated diseases in the human kingdom throws flood of light upon this darkened area of human
knowledge; also to show how, when this truth discovered in the vegetable world is applied to cases of cancerous
disease, its symptoms can be greatly mitigated and curative results become strikingly manifest.

Twelve years ago, more or less, east of the Mississippi River, corn plants began to die. Their stalks were stunted,
molds grew on ears and roots, and farmers were in despair. The sweet corn canning industry was also involved,
for black specks would appear in the canned corn, to the disgust of good housewives and the dismay of the
canners when this product was returned to the canning factories. Expert chemists examined these black specks
and pronounced them precipitated iron particles.

But, how did iron get into the corn and why did these corn plants, roots and ears develop unsightly molds such
as the rhiizopus, gibberella, fusarium, etc.?

It was George Hoffer who, with the help of others, finally put the puzzle together. Taking ears of corn, by using
the well-known thiocyanate test, he found iron, first, in the grains of corn, before canning; next, in the joints of
corn, where it had blocked the channels for sap; also that a weak solution of iron slowly injected into a growing
corn plant caused these diseased conditions to appear.

By using the methylene blue stain, he noted that the circulation of sap had been almost completely blocked
by these iron deposits. At last, after much research, it was found that when potassium salts were applied
to the soil these disease phenomena were controlled; also the various molds likewise were no longer found
on roots and cars. Again potassium salts increased production two to three hundred per cent in potassium-
deficient soils. Can we show that potassium deficiency may be present in animal bodies and, like in corn, this
deficiency may cause profound changes in their metabolic life?

Professor A. E. Austin’ says that: “Potash salts are believed to be absolutely necessary for the sustenance of
life.” Again, Professor R. A. Hatcher, says: “It is only within recent times that we have come to understand the
importance of extremely small amounts of certain salts of the blood and the influence exerted by even slight
changes in its composition. Small amounts of potassium are essential for the heart-beat, etc.” Of late years we

hear of iron precipitation into the kidney and other organs, as in pernicious anemia, and if this precipitation of
metallic iron can be shown to be the cause of the indurated (hard) tumors, malignant and benign
neoplastic (cancerous) growths, a great step forward can be taken toward ultimate victory over neoplastic
malignant disease.

But what test can demonstrate potassium deficiency in human tissues? There is a more or less accurate test for
this deficiency in soils; but, after all is said and done, the only real proof is a pragmatic one, viz., what effect
does the administration of certain potassium salts have in cases of cancerous disease? Can we show, as in corn
production, that this metal does the same to human bodies as it does to growth of this cereal? Does the
administration of potassium salts soften indurated (hardened) cancer tissue, pick up again precipitated
iron and cause a decisive increase of hemoglobin in anemic blood, cause tumors to reduce in size and bring
health and life back to cancer victims? If so, what great possibilities are in sight! For, by simply adding a
potassium salt to daily intake of sodium chloride all the varied aspects, and they are many, of this deficiency
may be prevented and controlled. As, however, this thesis is devoted to cancer warfare, mention of other disease
conditions will be left for some future papers.

What evidence have we that, like as in cases of iron precipitation in corn, shutting off the circulation of sap
through the nodes of the plants, in man a blocking of the lymph nodes can be likewise present and cause the
phenomena we term neoplasms? First of all I will quote from a letter from Professor W. W. Keen to W.
Sampson Handley, M. D., surgeon to Middlesex Hospital, London: “I have just read your very interesting
address on ‘Lymph Stasis the precursor of Cancer! It appeals to me as the most reasonable and almost certain
paper on the origin of cancer that I have ever seen. All others are guesswork. Here is a series of facts,
observations which cannot be disputed. . . . Whether we can do anything to prevent or remedy the stasis of
lymph or not is the next question. If we can, we can possibly prevent cancer.”

Again in the same article Dr. Handley states: “In remarkable accord with the view that lymph stasis is the
greatest general physiological factor which lays the foundation of cancer, is the flood of evidence coming
from many quarters that papilloma or adenoma is the precursor of carcinoma of every variety.” “If, as I
maintain, the papilloma or papillary adenoma is the characteristic product of local lymphatic obstruction,
we are getting near to the conclusion that all carcinomas are the result of local lymphatic obstruction.”

That an excess of one group of minerals and deficiency of another may seriously disturb the delicate pH
chemical balance is easily understood; also that this chemical imbalance is present in cancerous disease has been
almost universally accepted by the scientific medical authorities.

The late Dr. Willy Meyer, of New York City, wrote. “Exact pH measurements have revealed the fact, as shown
by the literature, that malignancy is always associated with a high degree of alkalosis, and it has also been
shown that the alkalosis precedes the malignancy. There can be alkalosis without malignancy but it would
seem that there can be no malignancy without alkalosis. The more virulent the malignancy, the stronger
must be the alkalosis which sustains it.”

Calcium, magnesium and sodium are seemingly in excess in alkalosis of the body; in the earth, calcium,
phosphorus and magnesium are recommended for acid soils. Yet potassium is rarely in excess in such soils,
but usually deficient, and when corn is destroyed or injured by precipitation of iron into the nodes, roots,
ears and leaves of the plant, we always find a deficiency of potassium salts. Likewise in this potassium
deficiency disease of corn, we find reported that many varieties of molds attack ears and roots. Does this fact
not remind us of the varied micro-organisms that are found in all advanced cases of malignant growths and
reported by so many research workers?

During the past years, a potassium salt solution has been given to quite a few cases of cancer with striking
curative results. Since giving potassium salts in a solution of hydrochloric acid of about 2%, results are so
striking that the before-mentioned claim of result of precipitated iron must be as true in man as in corn, for in as

short a space of time as 4 weeks in a woman of 42 years the writer has seen indurated masses disappear,
circulation of the arm restored, infiltrated lung by metastatic growths clear up, blood index rise; strength, color
and appetite return; pain relieved and a large hole in right breast under simple germicidal application fill in
rapidly with healthy tissue; also involvement of spine with pain in spine and intercostal nerves entirely relieved.

Keratosis Case. A striking case of keratosis treated in Takoma Park, Md. was that of a woman who had a horny
mass on the heel of one foot for over eighteen years. This growth would crack, ulcerate and break away; then
another growth would take its place. Six weeks from commencing to take potassium salt solution the foot was
well and skin was normal. This case is especially interesting, showing, as it does, how a potassium deficiency
may be present many years, and opens up new thought for treatment of not only keratosis, but psoriasis and
similar affections, for in keratosis we have a condition closely allied to epithelioma.

Breast Cancer Case. In the city of Jacksonville, there is a woman about 70 years of age who several years
before had her right breast removed and axilla cleaned out for cancerous growth. Last spring the writer
examined her and found several large, hard, recurrent growths on the border of the axilla and in the ribs. The
potassium and hydrochloric acid solution was prescribed. At this date, all these recurrent growths have
disappeared and her general health is greatly improved.

Repeated cases have proved that the acid potassium solution changes back to normal the gastric secretion and
impaired digestion. The past 4 years of economic distress and financial worry are already bringing a harvest of
degenerative disease, including cancer in all its manifold phenomena. And because of this great demand for
relief, the writer puts out this information instead of piling up conclusive proofs for several years in order that
others, if they so desire, may use this form of treatment, so inexpensive and yet so successful in the writer’s

Lymph Channels Blocked by Iron. Apropos of the claim that iron is precipitated into lymph channels,
blocking of the affected areas from the lymph circulation and nerve control of cell life, and these blocked
lymph areas become a fruitful field for micro-organisms of varied nature and kind to infect these
occluded tissues, what further proof can be given to prove this statement? A most suggestive fact repeated over
and over again is that in advanced cases of cancerous disease the hemoglobin color index is invariably low —
40 to 50% an the color chart. After such cases have been treated a week or two, even when no iron is
administered the color index is found to have risen to 70 or 80%.

This indicates, the author believes, that the red cells of blood have taken up the precipitated iron which they
had lost by the potassium deficiency. This phenomenon throws new light on the various anemias of blood so
hard and unsatisfactory to treat, and also on the solution of the problem, for if iron is precipitated into the
tissues it seemingly must have been lost by the hemoglobin of the red corpuscles, and, if they regain it, this
engorged tissue should be dissipated. This is exactly the phenomenon that occurs when HCl and potassium are
taken or, better, injected into the blood stream. The cancerous indurated growths often then disappear and
the hemoglobin color index rises nearer to the normal.

Various means have been employed to combat alkalosis, mostly futile, others quite injurious. In soils, calcium is
applied to combat acidosis, and, when given to cancer cases by the author, has proved most disastrous.
Magnesium salts likewise. The hydrochloric acid solution with potassium salts, by vein and mouth,
however, is most effective. The ammoniacal urine present in advanced cancer soon becomes acid,
accompanying the dissolution of swollen lymph nodes and improvement of blood, etc.

The addition of hydrochloric acid to the body increases the available chlorine, with its marked antiseptic
and phagocytic properties; also it helps to restore the normal pH of the tissues.

Starvation also tends to correct alkalosis, but it cannot do much to relieve accompanying toxemia. Loss of blood
likewise also helps greatly, in the writer’s experience, in removing excess of iron, and many report themselves
improved in health after losing blood from hemorrhoids, kidneys, liver, etc.


By Walter B. Guy, M.D.

(An article from between 1930 and 1935)

Acidosis and Toxemia. In the understanding and treatment of the progressive degenerative diseases, much
depends upon a practical knowledge of the cause of acidosis and toxemia, and of the condition known as
alkalosis. The writer hopes to show that acidosis and toxemia are, in reality, synonymous, and that
underlying the varied symptoms of these diseased conditions there is, in reality, a basic alkalescence of the
cellular tissues.

To get an approximate picture of cellular chemistry we must first of all realize we are not dealing with fluids and
solids but rather with a colloidal form of tissue, a popular illustration being a diluted mixture of gelatin and
water or gel. Dr. Edward J. Stieglitz writes: “The living cells of the kidney or elsewhere consist of just such
colloids, containing many thousand different substances in complex combinations separated by surfaces and
limits.” (*) “Dr. Martin Fischer and Prof. Jacques Loeb demonstrated that with slight chemical changes, in the
medium bathing living cells, the cells could be made to swell with water, or shrink and give up water at the will
of the experimenter. Dr. Fischer studied not only the living cells, but simpler colloid mixtures, such as gelatin,
and was able to show that increases in acidity and of certain salts, caused the gel to give up water and therefore
to shrink in size. In the body swollen with edema exactly such phenomena occur. It is the ‘thirst’ of the
chemically altered tissues that absorbs and binds the water, and the reason for the small urinary output is, in
large part, that there is no or very little, water available for excretion by the kidneys.” (*)

“In this connection one particular phase is of special interest. Fischer and others contended that the swelling
results from increased acidity of the tissues so that their treatment consisted in the liberal administration of
alkalies. This treatment is often effective; but inasmuch as the reaction of the kidney cells has been shown by the
indicator method to be the opposite to the reaction of the urine eliminated, excessive alkali treatment is liable to
cause injury to the kidney cells, and thus occasionally lead to suppression of diuresis, aggravating the dropsy.
More recent work has demonstrated that certain acid-producing substances, like calcium chloride, give rise to
a prompt and liberal flow of acid urine and a diminution in the edema. If the above explanation is correct,
improvement by this treatment is probably due to favorable action on the kidney itself, the acidity of whose cells
is diminished.”

That the acid-alkali balance or pH in the colloidal tissues is the base of all the phenomena or disease
symptoms which are termed acidosis, alkalescence or toxemia is readily understood. But what the medical
world is in sore need of knowing is how to read these clues or symptoms aright and to better realize the
causation of these clinical signs and their pathological significance.

What is acidosis? An accumulation of acids or a diminution of the pH reaction. But what acids? We can
glibly say: carbonic acid in the blood or lactic acid in the tissues, uric acid in the joints and blood vessels; lactic,
diacetic, butyric in the stomach or intestines, and so forth. We may even visualize hepatic acids in the liver, but
unless we know why these acids appear in excess and their relation to alkalosis we shall never be able to
understand their true significance or marshal our remedies effectively against them.

The only normal acid in the animal body is, of course, hydrochloric acid — found in the gastric juice. All
other acids are waste products. The carbonic acid of the breath is created by the oxidation of the lactic acid of
the tissues; therefore, an excess of lactic acid is a failure to oxidize this acid sufficiently. In diseases, such as

cancer, tuberculosis and fevers, this failure of complete oxidation is present, particularly so in cancer,
where the cancer cells, too, throw off this substance.

The amino acids are but stages of food digestion, and, when present in excess, show impaired hepatic and
pancreatic functions. The most pernicious form of acidosis is that produced when a stoppage occurs in the
duodenum or pylorus. In this condition the HCI of the gastric fluid disappears, and other acids, such as the
acetic, butyric, lactic, take its place. Also Dr. L. G. Rowntree, of Philadelphia, says in this condition, the
chlorine of the blood is usually diminished, the urea increased and the capacity of the blood to combine with
carbon dioxide increased.*

The above quotation of Dr. Rowntree is worthy of more than a cursory reading. Many people, both young and
old, have, if not a sore or ulcer at the pyloric orifice, an inflamed or congested area indicated by digestive
distress. Dr. Moore says that achlorhydria (lack of stomach acid) occurs in some cases of apparently healthy
persons and in many cases of gastrointestinal disease. He also stresses its frequency in diabetes mellitus,
and still greater frequency in thyrotoxicosis, as well as in certain non-megalocytic hypochromic anemias.

Although achlorhydria occurs in both forms in anemia, a deficiency in hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is
a common symptom in depressive neuroses. It is frequently associated with mental fatigue, persistent worry
and strain, especially in persons with a congenitally unstable psyche. The symptoms are very vague: lack of
appetite, fullness after eating, gaseous eructations and diarrhea is more common than constipation. Pain is
absent. Again we find quoted: “Moreover, hydrochloric acid forms with the duodenal membrane a hormone
named secretin, which stimulates the pancreas (to form insulin), also formation of bile and activity of gallbladder.
It is estimated that 2 grams of HCI is required for a meal.”

Failure to Secrete HCl. If we have followed the above carefully we shall realize how failure to secrete
sufficient HCI in gastric juice gives rise to a long train of events: improper digestion, fermentation,
therefore poor absorption of food and mineral elements, a likelihood of sore ulcers or cancer forming at
the pyloric outlet; next an inactive liver and pancreas, failure to secrete the secretin hormone — which
reduces sugar in blood, failure to oxidize lactic acid in tissues, more or less retention of CO2 in blood,
inability to destroy bacteria sufficiently in food.

We can visualize still further a toxic liver, hypertension in arteries; retention of CO2 has been implicated in
convulsions of epilepsy and other brain affections, also failure of endocrine glands to function normally, as
well as diabetes and kidney affections. Still, we can go further and trace out more of the disturbances we may
expect to gradually appear in various patients.

The mineral elements have been mentioned. Improper digestion means malassimilation — an unbalanced mineral
content of the body. What are some of these symptoms? First, a surplus of sodium; tissues too watery; tendency
to edema and asthma; flabby muscles and little strength; a lack of chlorine produces a condition favoring
boils, abscesses, pus formation. Deficiency of calcium means excess of sodium and deficiency of potassium;
this last the writer believes to be the most important of all. Let me quote Dr. Robert A. Hatcher, of Cornell: “It is
only within recent times that we have come to understand the importance of extremely small amounts of certain
salts of the blood, and the influence exerted by even slight changes in its composition.

Small amounts of potassium salts are essential for the heart-beat; large amounts are poisonous. It has been
found recently that under certain conditions the behavior of the heart toward potassium is an index of its
behavior toward therapeutic doses of the digitalis group, and those hearts which do not respond to potassium are
incapable of benefiting by the use of digitalis.”

No one who has not read the reports of potassium salts in fertilizing the soil can really appreciate its value; a
common comparison of 30 bushels per acre of potatoes without it and 150 bushels or more by its presence in the
soil is well known; yet it is used in such small amounts that such a difference is hardly believable. What of the

body if it is deficient? We find coldness of extremities, weakness of heart an unhealthy, pasty skin,
tendency to skin diseases, as well as malignant growths. And this is not all, for out of the potassium molecule
in the gastric acid cell the hydrochloric acid is derived — not from the sodium chloride of the fluids, but from the
solid tissues; therefore potassium is undoubtedly implicated in hypochlorhydria, with all its subsequent

Shall the writer go further? Yes, there is more to say; viz., the lack of hydrochloric acid is the main causation
of alkalosis. Much space might be taken up to show this is so; but let us go on to another sequel to its

Tuberculosis is in everyone and everywhere. But why do the few succumb and the many escape its ravages?
Alkalosis is the answer. When the cellular tissues are too alkaline, the fatty acids tend to disintegrate and
give off glycerol; a study in fatty acids will readily show this to anyone. In this glycerol molecule (glycerin) the
tubercle bacilli thrive. Let me quote an authority on this point, Dr. Esmond R. Long, University of Chicago*.
“Curiously enough he says the tubercle bacillus stands almost alone in its dependence on one or two particular
combinations of carbon. The most usable source of carbon by far is the relatively simple substance glycerol–luxuriant
growth does not occur (in laboratory) in absence of glycerol.” Again, Long says: “It may be that a
difference in the availability of free glycerol in the tissues accounts for some of the differences noted in people
in susceptibility to tuberculosis.”

So far we have given an hypothesis; but to the writer the only real proof is a pragmatic one: Does the hypothesis
work? Do clinical reports bear out these claims? I will quote but three cases, although many are indexed, then
leave the formula I use today in the hands of my colleagues for their vindication. The formula contains:
ferrum, necessary for oxidation of cell life; sulphur for same reason to complete cycle; chlorine and hydrogen
to keep ions free; potassium to supply the hypothetical mineral deficiency and to enable gastric cells to form
their own peculiar acid.

The formula now in use by the writer is as follows; (Editor’s Note: these are old apothecary symbols, probably
miscopied. Don’t use.)

Sol. potass. arsen. (Fowler’s) drams j

Tr. ferri chloridi drams v

Sol. potass. chloridi (10%) Sol. potass. sulphatis (10%) as liquid ounces j

Sol.acidi HCl (2%) ad liquid ounces iv

Case of Pat. R.; girl aged 8 years. Two years constant cough, night and day; fever, weak, dullness over
lung area. History bad. X-ray showed lungs riddled with plastic areas; weight 50 lbs. Diagnosis: pulmonary
tuberculosis. Realizing that ordinary treatment of bed and feeding was hopeless, she was allowed to run about
and kept on her diet, but lunches were added, and kept from school. Treatment: the given formula, 5 drops 5
times daily. In 2 months, almost complete cure has taken place, lung healed, gain 10 lbs., and child has romped
herself to health, for she cannot keep quiet.

Case of J. R. D., 64 years old, dairyman for 16 years. Had cold legs, pained at night, insomnia, nervous,
liver and stomach involved, despondent, tongue red and cracked. Diagnosis: Potassium and chlorine deficiency.
Formula; 9 drops 4 times daily. In 1 month, completely well. All former treatments had failed and he had tried
many physicians.

G. B., male, age 65. Diabetes for several years. Health poor, weakness and thirst. A small cancer the size of a
quarter on neck. Treated by formula, also with Harrower’s pan-secretin tablets. In 3 weeks, was sugar free. The
growth was removed by zinc chloride paste and a small daily dose of the mineral chloride formula keeps him in
good health. In fact, the writer finds that all cases of functional diabetes become sugar free if the above gland
tablet is used while needed, in addition to above prescription.


Much more could be said concerning the complex cellular chemistry, but many of my medical colleagues can
hold up their own hands or those of their elderly patients, and see their swollen or distorted joints and say,
“Aklalosis.” Then, if they will, they can take this formula and week by week, see these infiltrated joints
subside with increase of bodily comfort and physical strength, and realize that alkalosis causes
precipitation of waste products, and that the administration of alkalies but changes the acid waste products
into salts, to be deposited as sodium urate, in those joints farthest removed from the heart, or to form
calculi in bile or kidneys. Destroy these acids by the stronger natural normal acid (HCI) and they will be
eliminated; broken down by alkalies, they become deposits.

The formula is designed to increase the amount of HCI in the gastric juice, to supply deficient minerals, and
finally to restore the chemical reactions of the body to their normal metabolism. A word of warning seems
necessary, viz.: keep to a small dose. Recently, a fisherman with furunculosis of arms took instead of 9 drops, a
teaspoonful as a dose. After the second dose, he had to walk about for half an hour to overcome the numbness
and failure of circulation in his legs. Needless to say, his boils soon disappeared.

The potassium salts suspended in an acid medium have free ions and are rapidly assimilated. The formula is
self-sterile and can be given intravenously, 3 to 5 minims in 10 c.c. of distilled water as needed; by mouth, well-
diluted, 5 to 20 drops three to five times daily. The writer gives it in hot water in cases of cholecystitis, with
inevitably happy results. If desired, calcium chloride can be used in place of the potassium salts when indicated
in edema, asthenia (weakness), etc.

References: *Chemistry In Medicine, *British Medical Journal


By Walter B. Guy, M.D., Publication of 1935

It is incumbent upon all physicians and surgeons who have made any improvement or discovery that may help in
the constant warfare against disease and premature death to report such discovery or improvement to the medical
world at large, so that perchance it may fit in, become a necessary cog, or a stepping stone whereby the army of
this world may function more readily, or move upward toward the unseen and perhaps unattainable ideal of a
humanity free from disease, plague and early death.

Also it is morally obligatory upon those who gain help and knowledge from such contribution to acknowledge
their obligations by reporting back to the same journal their successes or even failures, in order that such claims
may be fully verified or disproved by the light of experience and corroboration. The following article is to bring
up to date the writer’s progress in the war against cancerous disease, to present his claims, deductions and the
results of his treatment.

Causes of Cancer Growth. First of all, what are the underlying causes which allow the formation of

neoplastic growths? These he believes to be:

1st. A deficiency of potassium in animal tissues.

2d. Potassium deficiency causes loss of function in posterior spinal nerves.

3d. Hypochlorhydria is the chief cause of potassium deficiency.

4th. Hypochlorhydria, likewise, causes alkalosis of tissues.

5th. When a group of cells becomes isolated from nerve control, such cells will become a parasitic


Potassium is one of the essential minerals of animal tissues; also in vegetable life; it is found in all cells,
tissues and fluids with the exception of milk. Potassium salts are absolutely necessary for the sustenance of
life. In small doses, they stimulate the heart and raise the blood pressure; in poisonous doses they depress and

paralyze the various functions of the body. It is claimed by Wood that the stimulating effect of beef tea, beef
extracts and coffee is due to the small amounts of potassium contained therein. To its value in vegetable life,
reference has been made in previous articles. No crop can be grown without its presence in the soil, and the
contrast when potassium deficiency is corrected is at times almost unbelievable. That a deficiency of potassium
in the human tissues can set up great pathological disturbances is easily imagined; but just what these tissue
changes are has never been established.

Clinical reports are few, yet for years has not Blaud’s mass, with its potassium carbonate content, been one of the
standard remedies for impoverished blood and asthenia (weakness)?

The writer contends that potassium deficiency in nerve tissue will bring about a slow degeneration and loss
of function, attacking particularly the posterior spinal nerves, and that this malfunctioning is the cause of
neoplastic (cancerous) growths. Deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is becoming, under the
stress and strain of modern civilization, very common. That this deficiency will cause imperfect digestion and
assimilation of food is easily understood; also the mineral content of food will be imperfectly absorbed.

Vicious Cycle. Thus a vicious cycle is thereby set up, and as potassium in the acid gastric cells becomes
depleted, less and less HCI will be excreted into the digestive fluids, thus giving rise to asthenia, diabetes,
toxemia, and, above all, profound tissue changes. That hypochlorhydria will bring about the condition known
as alkalosis in the cells of the body is easily grasped, although much further laboratory work is required to
show the process by which this condition appears. As, however, HCl is the only normal acid in the human
economy, it must be inevitable that such is the case.

When carcinoma, for instance, is fully established, this alkalosis is increased by the lactic acid excreted by the
cancer cells; so, therefore, excess of lactic acid in stomach and tissues of body is but another term for
alkalosis. This condition is supposed by many to favor the formation of or to precede the appearance of cancer.

In this city there is grown, for ornamental purposes, a thick, waxy-leafed plant. When one of its leaves is broken
off and lies upon the ground, it puts out roots and shoots, and if in a favorable location will grow into a similar
plant from which it came. In other words, cutoff from its nerve control, it takes on an independent existence. So
in cells of the body, any cell supplied by nutritive elements, but cut off from nerve control, of necessity becomes
an independent growth, the nature of which depends upon the kind of cell or cells involved. This theory,
therefore, can explain all the innumerable varieties of neoplastic tumors, both benign and malignant growths.

It is the writer’s belief that the posterior spinal nerves have a sensory function controlling and inhibiting cell
growth, and that the anterior spinal nerves, as is well known, in addition to their motor control, stimulate cell
production. This is well shown in progressive muscular atrophy, and in infantile paralysis, where the anterior
spinal nerve centers are involved, causing destruction of tissue cells in affected muscular areas. So likewise, if
the posterior spinal nerves or centers are involved, a loss of control over areas affected will ensue, thus allowing
the various forms of neoplastic growths. In other words, the cells are cut off, both from sensory and inhibitory
control. This also explains the lack of pain or discomfort in early cancerous growths.

As all theories and hypotheses are dependent for their substantiation, finally, on clinical proof, the writer
presents two cases that are uncomplicated by other diseased conditions to illustrate above claims, in addition to
those already quoted in December, 1932, issue of THE MEDICAL WORLD, giving not only the remedy used
internally and intravenously, but the treatment applied to the local lesions.

Cancerous growths, when localized on skin or in the orifices of the body, must be destroyed. At the same time, if
the conditions which caused their appearance are not corrected, sooner or later their appearance at the same site
will become manifest.

Formula. The formula I use by mouth and by intravenous injection in these cases is as follows: (Editor’s
note: Old apothecary measures, may be inaccurately recorded here)

Sol. potass. arsenate (Fowler’s) drams iss

Tr. ferri chloridi drams iv

Saturated ad. potass. sulphatis fluid ounces ij

Sol. HCl (2%) q. s. ad. fluid ounces iv

Dose by mouth: 5 to 20 drops.

Intravenously: 3 to 7 minims in 10 c.c. of sterilized distilled water.

Why should the above formula be effective? What, in other words, has to be accomplished? First, phagocytosis.
This term not only implies destruction of invading germ life, for these are always present as scavengers of the
body in diseased conditions, but also destruction and absorption of diseased tissues.

Arsenicum (arsenic is poisonous) has been known for many years to have this therapeutic virtue, to increase
hemoglobin and red cells of the blood; also it helps to correct toxemia, always present in cancerous affections.

Cancer and Iron. Ferrum (iron) seems to have a special affinity for cancerous cells. When applied locally, it is
very destructive to local lesions. Ferrum, likewise, is essential to restore hemoglobin, also for cell oxidation, and
with the sulphur atom present in the solution is necessary for normal metabolism of the cells. In cases of
hemorrhage from cancerous growths, the writer has found it necessary to add a sulphur lozenge daily to the
treatment. This readily brings relief from bleeding lesions as found in stomach, bladder, rectum, etc.

Cancer and Potassium. As to potassium it may be argued, what proof is there that a deficiency of this metal
is involved in neoplastic (cancerous) growths? It can be readily surmised that this element, so necessary for life,
can become deficient; but whether this suppressed deficiency is responsible for the above condition can be
demonstrated only by the biochemist in spinal nerve tissue of cancer victims. Since this metal has been added to
the acid mineral solution, results have been so uniformly satisfactory and curative, even in the most advanced
and hopeless cases of cancer, that the writer feels justified in making this claim.

The contention of the writer, that potassium chloride in the gastric acid cells is the chief source of HCI in the
gastric juice, and primarily not from the sodium chloride in the plasma, is, he believes, logical and
understandable. Therefore, a deficiency of potassium would be a potent factor in hypochlorhydria (lack of
stomach acid) present in so many of the progressive degenerative diseases. If such a deficiency of potassium is
connected, and if this hypothetical deficiency is really the chief cause of the degenerative diseases, including
neoplastic (cancerous) growths, marked improvement must appear in these patients, and so substantiate this
hypothesis. And these curative manifestations are exactly what the writer, day after day, has witnessed, and
wishes to put on record. Every case of cancer put on the acid mineral solution has responded favorably to its
action. No matter whether it be applied to local lesions, given by mouth or administered intravenously, the
result in cancer is always favorable, and at times unbelievable.

Cancer and HCl. As to hydrochloric acid, Dr. Burr Ferguson and Dr. C. De Witt Colby both have shown
repeatedly the value of this acid. In spite of alarmist cries from the ranks of the ultraconservatives, they have
repeatedly, with miraculous effects, injected this dilute acid into the bloodstream. They have also demonstrated,
by careful watching, a marked increased activity and number of phagocyte corpuscles.

The increased supply of chlorine to the tissues rapidly controls sepsis; the ion slowly changes alkalosis of
tissues to the normal pH 7.3. This acid mineral solution is the outcome of 4 years’ clinical study. It has the
virtues of all those minerals, contains all the possibilities of HCl therapy demonstrated by those eminent
physicians; also, being an acid solution, its ions are readily absorbed and consequently are very active.

The following case demonstrates how without use of X-ray and expensive radium, small local lesions may be
readily and inexpensively treated and destroyed with this acid mineral solution, with far better results than
those treated by raying, and it is available in all communities.

This case also demonstrates how multiple skin cancers are very often but probable metastases from a pyloric

Case of M. S.. St. Augustine, Fla. Male 55 years. History of gastric distress and frequent vomiting since 1921.
Toxemia, high blood pressure; also appearance of sore on right temple, 1926. This lesion was treated with
radium twice in 1928. Three more growths appeared on face and one behind left ear in 1930. These lesions were
treated by X-ray therapy at Pensacola Veterans’ Hospital; also his toxemia and hypertension, November, 1931.

July, 1932. Case came into writer’s care. Examination showed lesions of face and head were increasing in area
and depth, the one on right temple angry, crusted and red from radium burn. Vomiting at least once weekly.
Area over pylorus swollen, tender and indurated. The acid mineral solution was ordered 4 times daily; dose, 9
drops; with relief of gastric symptoms. Later, the smallest lesions on face were scrubbed with Fowler’s solution
until diseased cells were removed; then site was painted with tincture of iron. Later, the cancers on chin and
back of left ear were covered with a thin layer of absorbent cotton, which was fastened at edge to skin by
collodion. Then HCl, full strength, was dropped on cotton and allowed to remain on lesion for 90 minutes.
Ungt. zinc oxide was applied daily. Results were perfect. The radium burn and cancer was again scrubbed with
Fowler’s solution, all crusts removed, and painted with tincture of iron.

April 3, 1933. Face well, radium burn still red; digestion nearly perfect, vomiting rare, soreness over pylorus
absent. This case should still continue remedy for several months longer.

The next case is one of gastric and duodenal carcinoma.

W. T., white, age 42. veteran, 5 children. Had suffered from gastric troubles at times since 1911. Disabled by
gastric trouble since February, 1930. February, 1931, attack of chickenpox; stomach trouble grew worse. Went
to Pensacola Naval Hospital. September, 1931, for treatment. Discharged with no relief Dec. 1 1931 as hopeless
case of gastric ulcer. May 1, 1932. X-rayed at Flagler Hospital, St. Augustine. May 8 , 1932 entered Lake City
Veterans’ Hospital. Discharged June. 1932, as a hopeless case of gastric cancer. Become worse, frequent
bleeding from stomach and bowels. Almost died January, 1933. February 22, 1933, writer took over case.
He was in great pain and profound cachexia (general ill health with emaciation due to chronic disease, such as
cancer). Hemoglobin, 40; Pulse 120; fever and night sweats, diarrhea. Hands bloodless, sordes (foul, brown
crusts), looked moribund (in a dying condition), unable to walk. Palpation disclosed a large mass in upper
abdomen very swollen and tender to touch; taking opiates. Treatment was 3 to 7 minims of acid mineral
solution intravenously every 3 days and 5 drops in oatmeal water, 6 times daily. On account of extreme
poverty, no particular diet could be ordered. Slow improvement took place; bleeding gradually stopped; also less
pain. May 2, 1933, patient up and walks out. Pulse, 100; still pain at times; color returning to face and hands.
Hemoglobin, 70. Good appetite, but distress at times; still has fever and sweats occasionally, perhaps due to
absorption of disease tissue; slight cough. Mass in abdomen no longer palpable; still tender. Prognosis: looks as
though he will recover. Intravenous treatment discontinued. At no time did these injections cause any
disturbance. Drops continued by mouth, 6 times daily. Due to extreme poverty and lack of suitable food, entire
credit is given to medical treatment.

The first case quoted shows how small cancerous lesions of skin can be quickly and easily destroyed with a
minimum of pain and scarring, without the sad after-results of radium and X-ray treatment. The acid mineral
solution is quite inexpensive and readily available in all parts of the world; so that everyone, no matter how
poor, can obtain this treatment.

The above cases were described in detail and can readily be verified. If the second one recovers, another film
will be taken for comparison. That the acid mineral treatment promises much is evident. Further improvement in
standardization and correct dosage of remedy needs more experience with a plentiful clinical material. So far,
clinical results bear out the hypothesis given, and if, in the writer’s opinion, the nerve control of cell metabolism
can be re-established, absorption will take place in internal growths.


By William I. Howell, M.D. Lexington, Tenn.
With the Collaboration of Burr Ferguson, M.D., Birmingham, Ala.

EDITOR: This article on hydrochloric acid therapy was published in the early 1930s. It seems very pertinent
today, especially for cancer and pneumonia, where the old-timers apparently had good results with dilute
hydrochloric acid.

Thirty-two years of general practice in a small town without the resources of laboratory help made me often
wish I might live and work in a larger community where I might have more assistance with many of my cases.
Drugs, as I had been taught to use them in the treatment of infections that came under my observation, did not
have the effect on my patients promised by my studies of materia medica. Hence, when my patients reported all
too often that they were not doing well under the plan of treatment in use, changed the prescription and hoped
for the best.

During those years, there was the occasional visit from a detail man from some chemical house, from whom I
would hear of many new specifics for this, that or the other infection. After a few trials of the new serum, drug
or vaccine, there still seemed to be something lacking; so I reached the conclusion that there must be something
wrong about either the drug or my diagnosis. Since I felt fairly certain of the correctness of the latter, I
concluded that there was still something missing about the drug.

In the hope of finding some better way for fighting germs, I went to all medical meetings in my district. At these
meetings the greater number of the papers by men from colleges and larger towns were on difficult surgical
procedures, diagnosis, therapeutic use of the X-ray or other electrical devices. Sometimes there was a most
interesting report of the use of the cystoscope and ureteral catheter for lavage of an infected kidney or passing a
catheter into the gall-duct for drainage of the pus from an infected gallbladder.

In the delight of listening to such reports I felt full of confidence of what I could do with such cases on my return
home if I happened to get one. Then, when the meeting was over, in the long drive back home I realized that
such elaborate treatment was not for me, with the limited equipment in my district.

In 1931, on my return from such a meeting, at about the same time I saw two reports in print. One was in a
Memphis newspaper reporting that in America the year before there had been some 16,000 deaths of women in
childbirth. This was startling to me, and a shock. For, no doubt, many of these women had died from infection,
and while I had just spent the better part of a week at a most interesting meeting, not a word had I heard about
what to do for childbirth fever. Then I saw the other report, just spoken of, in Clinical Medicine and Surgery, on
the treatment of pyogenic infections, by Dr. Burr Ferguson. The clinical results he said he had seen seemed
unusual in that he appeared not to rely at all on any local application of germicides. Dr. Ferguson’s claim that
nature was responsible for the good results through the induced activity of the white blood cells following the
injection of hydrochloric acid solutions intravenously, fell in with my own belief that nature was the best

At once the thought came to me that it was highly probable that nature did use these white blood cells in
resistance, and if a way had been found to create a greater leukocytosis (increase in number of white cells) and

to make these cells more active, it would add a lot to my medical knowledge. I had no way of checking
Ferguson’s report of the leukocytosis following the injection of mercury, arsenic, quinine, milk or serums; but it
seemed reasonable, if true.

Since I had been trying new drugs and combinations of drugs for almost 30 years and was still changing, I
decided to try the acid injection, because it was so new. I had never heard of anyone injecting an acid
intravenously before, and I had heard of all the deaths that followed the injection of salvarsan when errors had
been made in its neutralization; but since Dr. Ferguson said he had given thousands of injections in all sorts of
infections, there did come up in my mind the objection that maybe this acid injection was just another cure-all,
and every one of these that I had ever heard of was a failure.

As I thought of the plan of treatment, more and more did it seem to me to be worth a trial. For if Dr. Ferguson
had not seen what he claimed to have seen and if all of these drugs he reported having used as stimulants for the
white cells, including the hydrochloric acid, did not produce a leukocytosis, somebody would surely have taken
the trouble to disprove his claims. Even then I was nervous over the acid injection, and I decided I would not use
it on any moderately sick case, but would wait until I got one that I felt sure would die anyway, when I would be
taking no chance in giving the acid as recommended.

Here was another thought that came to me. Arsenic, mercury and quinine had been used for a long time by the
mouth, but it was only when these drugs were used by intramuscular or intravenous injection that such
remarkable results were reported, and therefore the intravenous route must be the best, because you never hear
much now of the oral administration of these old drugs. It seemed possible that with hydrochloric acid, which
had been used by the mouth for several hundred years, and of which I had used a great deal as an aid to
digestion, I might see some clinical results I had not seen before, just as other men had seen in the change of
administration of the metals.

Childbirth Sepsis Case. On August 18, 1931, I found the case for the use of the hydrochloric acid. Five days
before this date, I had delivered this girl of 15, after a prolonged and most difficult labor, using all possible
aseptic precautions in a log cabin in the woods. The large baby lived only 2 hours. In spite of the small size of
the mother (she weighed only 90 pounds), lacerations were apparently small in size. Three days after the
delivery, a message was sent me that she had had a chill and a very high fever. It was a long distance to that
river bottom where she lived; so in the hope that it was malaria, I sent quinine and calomel.

On the fifth day another message came, telling me of the grave condition of the patient and that my immediate
presence was necessary. On going into the sickroom, I at once saw there had been no mistake in this urgent
message. The little girl was delirious; temperature, 106, pulse, 140; respiration 40; discharge from the vagina
scanty and fetid in odor. Every other case had ever seen in the condition in which I found her, is dead.

With much trepidation, I gave her 10 c.c. 1-1500 hydrochloric acid. The following minutes were anxious ones
for me, as I hardly knew what to expect as this was the first time I had ever heard of the acid being used in
puerperal sepsis. The reports I had seen of Dr. Ferguson’s cases of pyogenic infections of Dr. Ferguson were of
gunshot or lacerated wounds.

As I sat by that bed, holding the radial pulse in that lowly log cabin, a flood of memories of teachings
concerning the fatal consequences of injections of acid into the veins came over me. While in this frame of mind
I noticed sweat on the neck and forehead of the patient, and along with it a slowing of the pulse. In a few
minutes, she was bathed in profuse perspiration. With it, there was a cessation in the chatter of her delirium.

Thirty minutes after the injection of the acid, I asked her how she felt. She replied that she felt much better and
would like to go to sleep. Within the hour, the temperature was 103 degrees, pulse, 100; respiration, 22.

During the following 4 days, I repeated the injection of the acid each day, and on the fifth day, temperature was
99, pulse 72; respiration, 18. Two days thereafter I was called again, as I was told the fever had returned. Found
her with a temperature of 101, with a free discharge from the vagina. I gave her another injection as before. Save
for weakness, all evidences of infection had disappeared the next day, and she went on to an uneventful
recovery with a complete disappearance of the mass in the left iliac region.

This case seemed unusual to me because no local treatment or douches were used and all of the foregoing
clinical changes took place under my own eyes, during the first visit, with absolutely no other treatment than the
injection of the acid.

Eclampsia Case. On October 10, 1931, I was called in consultation to a case of eclampsia. The patient was a
primipara and in a forceps delivery, there was a small laceration. On the third day she had a hard chill and fever,
and again I was called by the attending physician. I advised the injection of hydrochloric acid intravenously. The
physician in charge refused to have the patient subjected to such a procedure. After a more or less heated
discussion I was forced to agree to the injection of one c.c. of a mixed infection vaccine.

On the following day the patient was much worse; temperature 105, pulse, 130; respiration, 30; delirious and
very restless; large mass easily felt in pelvis. My colleague then said: “It looks to me as if death is inevitable
whatever we do, so you might try an injection of that damned acid.” I gave the injection and witnessed the same
clinical changes that I had seen in the other case just reported. Three days more and I was called again and found
the patient with temperature of 104*, but she was not delirious and the mass in the pelvis was much smaller.
Two other injections were given on the following days, after which she went on to an uneventful recovery. This
woman has continued in good health and will be again confined in a few weeks. So nothing but good seems to
have followed the injection of the acid.

Gonorrhea Case. Shortly after this, I was called to see a case of double epididymitis. The patient was in the
declining stages of acute gonorrhea. I advised the application of ice, soft diet, calomel and rest in bed. The next
day, the patient reported a restless night and intense pain in the testicles.

After the good results with my childbirth cases, I had exchanged several letters with Dr. Ferguson. In the reprints
he sent me and in his replies to my letters, I was astonished at the confidence he seemed to have in the
hydrochloric acid, not only for pyrogenic (fever producing) infections, but for any and all germs.

So since my results with other cases had been all that I could ask, I determined to try the same plan for the
treatment of the gonorrheal complication. At that it did seem foolish, according to all of my schooling to give an
injection in the arm for a swollen testicle.

There was a marked lessening of the pain after the first injection. These were continued every day as in the other
cases. After the third injection, temperature was normal and testicles much smaller. With the eighth injection,
there was a complete disappearance of the swelling and he was discharged after the tenth injection. Since that
time I have had a few other cases of epididymitis, the behavior of which was altogether like this case.

Salpingitis. However, I have had several cases of salpingitis in which I did not get the expected good results.
They would seem to get much better for a time, but the swollen tube did not disappear; but after giving these
cases a few injections of lactigen they seemed to recover altogether.

Breast and Finger Infections. In January, 1932, I was called to see a mother nursing a 10-month-old child.
Found her with a temperature of 96, generalized pains in her body and legs, pulse rapid and weak, breathing
shallow. There was a discharge from a ruptured infection on the last phalanx of the middle finger. A deep, ulcer-
like infection on the upper half of right breast about the size of a quarter. Gave her an injection of
hydrochloric acid, as in the other cases. The next day there was a much more profuse discharge from both
lesions and after the second injection, she went on to an uneventful recovery.

Tuleremia Case. In August, 1932, 1 was called by Dr. H. I. Wylie of Scott’s Mill, to see a woman evidently
septic, having had chills, fever and prostration for several days. There was an ulcer-like lesion on the last
phalanx of a finger, edges ragged, blister-like lesions over forearm. Gland above elbow and axilla swollen and
tender. Diagnosis of tularemia (rabbit or deerfly fever from a tick) was made and the use of hydrochloric acid
advised. I failed in my efforts to give an intravenous injection because of the very small size of her veins; so I
gave her intramuscular injections of 3 c.c. of 1-500 hydrochloric acid every day for 10 days using alternate hips.
At this time, all evidence of the infection had disappeared. There has been no return of the infection.

Since that time, Dr. Wylie has told me he had another case of tularemia which he treated in the same way,
except that he used the intravenous injection and that the result was like that in the case I saw with him.

Carbunkle Case. A banker in a nearby town came to me with the only carbuncle (surface and deeper tissue
inflammation, with pus exudate) I ever saw on the upper lip. There were draining sinuses over the lip and the
left side of his nose. Pain was being controlled by morphine. Six daily intravenous injections were used in this
case with the same good results I had witnessed in the other cases in which I had used the hydrochloric acid

Lung Hemorrhage Cases. During the summer of 1932, I had the opportunity to see a woman of 35, the
mother of 5 children, three weeks after a severe hemorrhage from the lungs. Since Ferguson had reported that
the injection of hydrochloric acid made the polynuclear cells attack the tubercle in a way that is not done in
nature, I decided to try the same injection I had used in the preceding cases.

I advised absolute rest in bed and mineral oil for her bowels and began the injection of hydrochloric acid,
1:1500, 3 times a week. As the days passed, her appetite began to improve, and I ordered a diet of fruits,
vegetables and what meat she felt she could digest. The improvement was most satisfactory and within one
month, she was free from fever. In 3 1/2 months, she went from 95 to 110 pounds in weight. She had a
comfortable winter and has been able to move about the house since early in the year after 50 injections of the
acid. Early in March, 1931, I began another series of the acid injections, which I shall continue during the spring
and summer.

In the autumn, I was called to see a man of 30, a farmer whose mother had died some time before with
tuberculosis of the lungs. He too, had just had a hemorrhage from the lungs, and his history and condition
were typical of pulmonary tuberculosis. He decided to go to Memphis for treatment, but after 6 weeks, he
returned, saying that he had had the rest-in-bed treatment and he might have that at home just as well. Soon after
his return, when he was running an evening temperature of about 101. He began to have painful urination.
Specimen of urine was cloudy and well-colored with red blood.

After the first injection of the acid, 1-1500, there was a most pronounced chill, but the following fever was no
greater than his daily temperature. For a few following injections of the acid, I decreased the strength to 1-2000.
There were no further reactions, so I again returned to the injections of the 1-1500 solution. After a month, there
was no more discomfort on urination and the specimens were pretty well clear. With the freedom from fever and
an improving appetite, he began to increase slowly in weight; so I increased the strength of the acid solution to
1-1000, which I am giving three times a week. He continues to eat and sleep well and I shall continue the
injections of the acid for a few weeks.

Coryza Case. In the fall of 1932, after a coryza, (inflammation of mucous membranes) my grandson, a
robust lad of 6, complained of a pain over the lower lobe of the right lung. Rapid onset of fever. Within 2 days,
the lower lobe was consolidated. Light diet, attention to elimination, and an occasional mustard plaster over the
infected lobe were the only treatment used. In spite of the fact that I had seen no untoward consequences
following the use of the acid, I feared to give it to one so young. Crisis came on the sixth day, after which he was
free from fever for 2 days when it returned with this relapse, quickly going to 102, pulse 120. Fearful of an
abscess, I determined to give the hydrochloric acid, giving 3 c.c. of 1-500 deep in the pectoral muscle. There

was an improvement in his condition for the following 24 hours, when his temperature was 101, pulse and
respiration much lower. I gave another injection, as on the day before, under the pectoral muscle of the other
side. Fever was normal the next day, and after a convalescence of two weeks, the patient returned to school,
where his attendance has been regular since the illness.

Urticaria Case. Confirming the observations of Dr. C. D. W. Colby, of Asheville, of the effect of the
hydrochloric acid injections on asthma and other manifestations of the allergies, about a year ago a young
married woman came to me complaining of intense itching over her body, sometimes in one area, sometimes
in another. The elevations on her skin on this visit seemed to be an urticaria. She said she had taken and done
everthing advised by her doctor and friends, but the itching persisted. Six injections of the acid 1-1500 were
given every other day. Improvement was noticeable after the first injection and she was wholly well after the
last injection.

Colitis Case. In the summer of 1932, I saw a baby with a severe case of colitis. Frequent vomiting, abdomen
much swollen, delirious, with temperature of 104*. I tried all manner of recognized plans for treatment, but the
foul-smelling frequent stools continued. I had been taught that such conditions were the result of acidosis and it
seemed to be going too far to give more acid. But since all other measures had failed in giving relief, I
determined to give the acid in the gluteal muscle, just as I had done with my grandson. Injections were given
daily. Improvement in the general condition of the child was noticeable, abdomen rapidly flattened out, fever
became lower, and on the third day there was a marked change in the quality of the stools. Six injections of the
acid were given, after which the child made a rapid convalescence and has continued in good health.

Puerperal Sepsis Case. At 4 o’clock one morning, January, 1928, I had a telephone call from Dr. L G. Martt,
Proctorville, Ohio, from a hospital in Huntington, W. Va. Dr. Martt said he had a patient in the hospital with
puerperal sepsis, 15 days after delivery. Temperature 105; pulse 140; respiration, 40. She had had two
transfusions, which had failed in ameliorating the condition of the patient. Dr. Martt said be had urged the
attending physicians to give the hydrochloric acid, but since the injection of the acid had been listed as a
dangerous procedure, they declined to do it. On my urgent advice, he determined to give the acid injection

Between 8 and 9 o’clock on the same morning, Dr. Martt called again to tell me of the remarkable effect of the
acid injection. That the temperature had dropped to 103; pulse, 96, respiration, 30, and the delirium had
disappeared. While the patient still had a temperature of 102, after the fourth injection of the acid she had
apparently improved so much Dr. Martt returned to his home in Proctorville, Ohio. Shortly afterward attempts
were made to aspirate an apparent abscess. There was a rapid rise in the temperature and pulse and the patient
died within the following day.

Acute Tonsillitis. In November last, I had an acute tonsillitis of my own; temperature 102; tonsils much
swollen; whitish patches over each one. Not being able to give myself the hydrochloric acid, I took calomel,
aconite, gargles and painted the throat with nitrate of silver. Since I had no improvement, I called Dr. J.F. Godd,
asking him to give me an intravenous injection of hydrochloric acid. He demurred, saying that it was against all
reason to give an acid in the veins. On my insistence, however, the injection was given. Improvement was
rapid during the following hours. I had a good night and the next day my temperature was normal. I returned to
my office in the afternoon.

In every case where I have a laceration in a confinement case, I give, before I leave the house, a shot of 10 c.c.
of 1 to 1500 HCl in the vein, with 100% results, without fever following. Before I began this practice, I was
having fever once in a while of a septic nature. In cuts or lacerations of any kind, I give the acid as stated
above; it prevents infection.

The forgoing clinical reports are experiences I have had in the administration of some 1,200 injections of the
hydrochloric acid. I have seen few reactions after the injection of the acid and those that I have seen quickly

passed and I have seen no untoward following effects. I have been changing drugs for almost 30 years, but since
I began the use of the intravenous and intramuscular injections of the hydrochloric acid, something over 2 years
ago, there has been no change, and so far as I can see at present, I shall continue to give the acid injections
when I see indications of infectious diseases. I have no way of checking the chemical and cellular changes that
are said to go on in the body after the injection of the acid, as I am strictly a clinical medical man of the kind that
do the larger part of general practice of the country.

Clinically, I know hydrochloric acid injections will be followed by good results in the greater number of
infections. If the cellular and clinical claims are untrue or true, it seems to me they might easily be disproved or
proved in a well-equipped laboratory.

In conclusion, I can only say that I am grateful to Dr. Burr Ferguson. Clinical experiences such as I have never
known before are frequent in the application of this idea that nature is the best doctor, through the injection
of this basic acid of the body.

Two Infection Cases. While this paper was being copied, on the 24th of April, 1933, I had the opportunity of
seeing 2 cases whose behavior under the influence of the acid-stimulated cells seems worthwhile. One was a
lobar pneumonia and the other a pyogenic blood-stream infection.

On April 23d a boy of 15 had a prolonged chill, with an intense pain in the right side. I saw him the next
morning with a temperature of 104, pulse, 120; respiration, 36; cough and expectoration of rusty mucus and pus.
Lower lobe consolidated.

Hydrochloric acid, 1-1500 was given intravenously. Twenty-four hours later temperature was 101, pulse, 90;
respiration, 24; profuse expectoration and the patient comfortable. Another injection of the acid was given. I
failed to see the boy on the following day because of a call in another district. On the fourth day, I was very
pleased to find the temperature normal, yellowish sputum, freedom from pain and a most encouraging appetite.

Infected Wound Case. A week ago an employee in a sawmill had a lacerated wound in the right leg from a
fall of lumber. I cleaned and dressed the wound, using mercurochrome. In three days the temperature was 104;
pulse, 130; intense pain in infected wound. Several small incisions were made from which there was an exudate
of a small amount of bloody pus. Following the intravenous injection of 10 c.c. of 1-1500 HCl, there was a
profuse sweat within the hour, after which there was another pronounced chill but no increase in the
temperature. The next day temperature was 102; pulse,100; and the patient was much more comfortable. The
discharge from the wound was much more profuse than one sees when the case of such lesions is left altogether
to nature. One required no microscope to know that there had been a great stimulation in numbers and activity of
the white blood cells.

Another injection of the acid was given and on the following day, the patient was much better with a normal
temperature. Another injection of the acid was given in order that the very active repair of the wound might be