How toxic metals contribute to candida infections and other chronic health problems
“It is critically important to follow the correct sequence of steps if you are going to safely and effectively detoxify heavy metals from your body. If you don’t you will not only reabsorb the toxic metals you are trying to remove, you may damage your cells, organs and glands.”
The Underlying Causes of a Chronic Candida Infection and the Three Components of an Anti-Candida Program
“Candida overgrowth and invasion occur when bacterial flora are killed, or when the immune system is suppressed and neutrophils are not as active or abundant. The expansion of Candida is also fostered by eating fermented or aged products and certain sugars, particularly maltose (malt, barley malt, malted barley or maltodextrin). “
What can a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis tell you about your health
When looking at a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis report, understanding mineral patterns is one component to good interpretation. If interpreted correctly, there are numerous variables a hair test can identify. These include: mineral deficiencies, adrenal function, thyroid function, toxic metals & hidden toxic metals, various components of digestive function and carbohydrate tolerance.